Chapter 707 The Rules I Made
What's more, Ye Qianyue is confident that she will not break Shen's son's illness. In the whole world, she is the only one who can do it.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's smile suddenly widened.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's confident look, the crowd no longer worried.

It is also true that the genius doctor is so powerful, since the Bupo family asks her, naturally they will not do anything disrespectful to her.

And soon, several purple figures hurried over with a bit of anxiety.

Stopping her pulse, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes curiously, and then looked at the leading old man.

The old man was leaning on an emerald green cane in his hand, with silver hair on his head, and a face as thin as dead wood, but there was no sign of oldness in his cloudy old eyes, but he was full of energy. Obviously, Guixi was still far away For a long time.

The old man was not angry, the crowd was still far away from the old man, but they were too frightened to continue queuing up. Instead, they dispersed with a 'wow'.

"Look! It's the Patriarch of the Bupo Clan, Master Bupo Shen!"

In the crowd, whoever said such a sentence made everyone around tremble with fright, watching Bu Poshen striding towards Ye Qianyue anxiously.

There was no longer any queuing to speak of, and those ordinary people naturally did not dare to stand in front of Bu Po Shen.

Seeing Bu Poshen's aggressive look, Ye Qianyue evoked a faint smile, "Are you the next patient?"

"Genius doctor, I am Buposhen's patriarch. Buposhen, dare to ask the name of the genius doctor." Although Buposhen is not small, but at the moment he is thinking about his only precious son, and he is very polite to Ye Qianyue at the moment, Even with a bit of respect.

She won't say her name, and the name of her previous life can't be used anymore. Ye Qianyue thought about it, and a cold light flashed in her dark eyes, "Ye Lin."

"Miraculous doctor Yelin, now I am the first person in the team, can you please go to the mansion with me, as long as the child can be cured, I will be very grateful." Buposhen looked at Ye Qianyue carefully, Looking at her, he even wanted to test Ye Qianyue's strength, but he didn't expect his spiritual power to come into contact with Ye Qianyue, and he was rushed towards him by a burst of fiery breath, which almost hurt him.

This is unprecedented!Bu Po Shen felt more and more that Ye Qianyue was a rare talent!

The person Ye Qianyue treated just now was supposed to be doomed, but she was able to save him so easily, which shows how good Ye Qianyue's medical skills are!
And the most important thing is that Ye Qianyue is so indifferent, as if she doesn't know how powerful they are in not breaking the family, she looks stupid and stubborn.

Such a capable but stupid person has always been Bu Poshen's favorite!

If Ye Qianyue can find a way to heal everyone in Phoenix City, then their status in Phoenix City will really surpass the royal family without breaking their family!
Of course, these are all things for later. Before that, Ye Qianyue must cure his son first!

Seeing the anxiety on Buposhen's face, Ye Qianyue's mouth curled up into an elegant smile, "This is natural, the rules I set, I will naturally not break."

(End of this chapter)

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