Chapter 708 Vigorous Vitality

"Then please invite Ye Lin, the genius doctor." Seeing that Ye Qianyue was finally willing to leave, Bu Po Shen respectfully greeted her with a gesture of invitation, and immediately led her towards the Bu Po family's mansion .

After walking halfway, Ye Qianyue was invited into a gorgeous carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, Ye Qianyue looked quiet, calm and calm, neither arrogant nor rash.

Looking at Ye Qianyue, who was indifferent like a puddle of clear water, a dark light flashed in his eyes, "Where did the genius doctor Yelin come from? Why haven't I heard the name of the genius doctor before?"

"I'm just an inconspicuous little person, and the Patriarch should have never heard my name." Knowing that Bu Po Shen must have heard her real name, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes flickered with darkness, but her face was full of anger. indifferent color.

It was said that Bu Po Shen was like practicing Tai Chi, asking Ye Qianyue a lot of questions in a roundabout way, trying to find out about her.

Naturally, she wouldn't be fooled, and soon Ye Qianyue created an image of a benevolent doctor who is helpless and has only medical skills.

And looking at Ye Qianyue's eyes, the previous vigilance was a little less, and Bu Poshen obviously believed Ye Qianyue's rhetoric.

Not only to believe, but to be more and more satisfied.

Such a talented person who doesn't like fame and wealth, but also values ​​love and righteousness, has always been the most scheming person like Bu Poshen, the most favorite object to win over.

Thinking that if Ye Qianyue was really capable, he would pull Ye Qianyue into his camp no matter what he said. With a bright smile on his face at this moment, Bu Poshen smiled at Ye Qianyue and said, "Ye Qianyue Doctor Lin, we are here, please get out of the car."

"Thank you Patriarch." Nodding lightly, Ye Qianyue said so, and followed Bu Po Shen out of the carriage.

Soon, the residence of the Bupo family appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

It is really incomparably gorgeous, even the vermilion lacquer gate is inlaid with countless treasures, not to mention the scenery inside.

Walking forward with Bu Po Shen along the way, Ye Qianyue glanced casually, then looked away, as if she didn't know the value of these treasures at all.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's calm and calm appearance, Bu Poshen became more and more satisfied, and then brought Ye Qianyue to a room very quickly.

"Master Ye Lin, this is the place." When he came to his son's room, there was a burst of unconcealable anxiety in Bu Po Xin's eyes, "Yan'er, Daddy is here to see you."

Saying that, Bupoxin pushed open the door, and a burst of medicine's unique breath came over his face.

Liqi grass, life bone flower, dragon fruit...

After quickly identifying the smell of the medicinal materials contained in the potion, Ye Qianyue showed a clear look on her face.

Sure enough, Buposhen's son Bupoyan got the same illness as those people in Phoenix City.

People born in Phoenix City have been weak and sick since childhood. In fact, the reason for these people's illnesses is not due to physical constitution or any curse, but rather the lack of a kind of power to survive in the entire Phoenix City.

That is, vigorous vitality.

In a place without vitality, no life can survive, especially babies, how can they grow up strong in such an environment lacking vitality.

When Ye Qianyue came to Phoenix City, she found that the vitality of Phoenix City seemed to be absorbed by the surrounding forest, and without this mysterious power, it is naturally impossible for people to survive, even if they survive , but also will be weak and sick, and even die prematurely.

(End of this chapter)

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