Chapter 710 Pain is Pain

"Yes, yes, it's natural, as long as Yan'er can be cured, it's not a problem for the genius doctor Yelin to want anything." The joy and excitement in Bu Po Shen's heart were written on his face.

"If this is the case, then I happen to have several kinds of medicinal materials that the owner needs to help me prepare." In fact, directly using the energy of the Wanhua system can cure Poyan, but this is not for nothing. Bu Po Shen was told the names of several precious medicinal materials he had been looking for.

Secretly wrote down, Bu Poshen thought it was the medicinal materials that Ye Qianyue used to heal the people of Phoenix City, but he didn't know that these medicinal materials had nothing to do with the medicine Ye Qianyue refined .

"It's easy to talk about medicinal materials and so on, please don't worry about Ye Lin's genius doctor." As he spoke, Bu Poxin looked at Ye Qianyue with some expectation, "Can I ask Ye Lin's genius doctor to heal Yan'er for a while?"

"It's natural." Seeing that Bu Po Shen didn't intend to leave, Ye Qianyue knew that this old guy must still be very worried about her.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue acted as if she hadn't noticed anything, calmly stretched out her hand, and quickly pierced some fine silver needles into Bupoyan's acupoints.

"Hmm...!" A painful moan came out of his throat, and Bu Poyan's body trembled crazily, which really looked a little scary.

However, seeing Bu Poyan trembling, Bu Po Shen was not only not angry, but had a smile on his face.

From two years ago, Bu Poyan couldn't move anymore, although he was trembling now, he still moved, such a huge change really made Bu Poshen not happy!
Looking at the place where Ye Qianyue gave the needle, Bu Poshen didn't know both acupuncture points and needles, but he still carefully wrote down the steps and positions of Ye Qianyue's needles.

Ye Qianyue is obviously able to cure this strange disease that pervades Phoenix City, as long as he can learn it, then he will be able to cure all the people in Phoenix City by then!
Thinking that by that time, all the glory, wealth, and power would be within his grasp, and Bu Po Shen's eyes were full of unconcealable excitement!
But here, Ye Qianyue gently catalyzed a touch of Phoenix Soul Fire into a fire mist from an angle that Bu Poshen could not detect, and then let it gradually penetrate into Bu Poyan's body along the Phoenix Fire Needle.

"Oh!" The scorching fire mist entered the body, causing Bupoyan's throat to let out a scream like drowning, and the whole person rolled on the bed in great pain, obviously enduring great pain .

"Genius doctor, what's wrong with Yan'er?!" Seeing this, Bu Poshen panicked, jumped up from his seat with a heavy face, and looked at Ye Qianyue nervously.

"Master Ling is too sick. It must be very painful at the beginning of the treatment." How could she tell Bu Poshen her true intentions, Ye Qianyue lied casually, and then looked at Bu Poshen's face Worried, he seemed very embarrassed and said, "The Patriarch loves his son dearly, Yemou can understand, but this is the best way to cure Young Master Ling, and I hope the Patriarch can forgive me."

"...As long as it can be cured, let the pain be the pain point!" Seeing Bu Poyan sweating wildly while being tormented by the fire mist of Phoenix Soul Fire, Bu Po Shen gritted his teeth, and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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