Chapter 711 Just Go Get It
"Thank you so much for your forgiveness, Master." Seeing that Bupo Shen agreed, Ye Qianyue's lips curled up into a sneering smile, and then further stimulated the Phoenix Soul Fire in her body, allowing the phoenix soul fire that penetrated into the Bupoyan The fire mist in the body quickly condensed into a group of wind soul fire crystals no more than half the size of a fingertip.

For Bu Poyan, this crystal is a time bomb that may explode at any time!

As long as Ye Qianyue wanted to kill Bu Poyan, as long as she moved her mind a little, this crystal would explode in Bu Poyan's body, directly killing him.

After successfully burying the crystal, the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips pulled out a faint smile with great satisfaction, and then finally stretched out her fingertips, condensing the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers System, and lightly tapped on the center of Bu Poyan's eyebrows. .

The vigorous energy was full of vitality, and with a movement of Ye Qianyue's hand, Bu Poyan's face suddenly looked much better.

Even breathing became much smoother, Bu Poyan coughed violently twice, and then slowly opened his eyes under Bu Poshen's surprised gaze.

Obviously knowing what happened, Bu Poyan looked confused and frowned in pain.

"Yan'er! Yan'er! You've finally woken up!" Seeing that Bupoyan woke up faintly, Buposhen's face was full of joy that couldn't be melted away. The whole person was really surprised and happy, directly He threw himself in front of Bu Poyan.

"Daddy, what's wrong with me..." Before he finished speaking, Bu Poyan seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, and fell into a deep sleep.

"Yan'er? What's wrong with you, Yan'er!" Seeing Bupoyan tilt his head, Buposhen immediately turned pale with fright.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, the young Patriarch is just too tired and fell asleep." Standing faintly behind Bu Poshen, Ye Qianyue said lightly, "From now on, every time the young Patriarch heals, the pain will become more and more serious. I don’t know if the Patriarch is planning to continue?” Ye Qianyue was able to guess the unruly answer as she asked.

Sure enough, as Ye Qianyue expected, she nodded without thinking or thinking, "Of course we must continue! We must continue!"

I haven't spoken to Bu Poyan for three years. Although I only have two words today, it undoubtedly ignited the faint hope in Bu Po Shen's heart.

How did you know that Ye Qianyue deliberately let herself see hope, and thus became more and more unable to stop, Bu Poshen looked at Ye Qianyue as if she was looking at a savior, "I also hope that the genius doctor will continue to treat my son, as long as Yan'er can be cured, I will give the miracle doctor everything I can."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue seemed to lower her eyes meekly, and immediately covered up the flash of coldness in her eyes perfectly.

Xin said that Bu Po Shen would not be willing to give what she really wanted, but Ye Qianyue still thanked her lightly on her face.

Seeing the results, and seeing Ye Qianyue's humble, polite, neither arrogant nor impetuous appearance, Bu Po Shen immediately became more and more satisfied with Ye Qianyue, and made up his mind to win Ye Qianyue into Bu Po's house!

Ye Qianyue obviously has a way to cure the strange disease that appeared in Phoenix City, as long as she can take advantage of this, then the house will become more prosperous if it does not break!
Thinking of this, Buposhen hurriedly asked Ye Qianyue to go down to rest, arranged the best guest room for her, and even gave Ye Qianyue the key to the Bupojia pharmacy, telling her to get any medicinal materials she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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