Chapter 712

The heart said that if it is not broken, it is really rich and powerful, and Ye Qianyue will definitely not refuse, so she just accepted the key.

Just staying in the mansion like this, Ye Qianyue went to treat Bu Poyan every day, and after three days, Bu Poyan was able to speak.

Leaving the excited Bupo Shen directly, Ye Qianyue went to the Bupo family's pharmacy alone.

"Girl, are you really planning to stay here and not leave?" Seeing no one around, Shi Qi popped up from the space of the scepter, his emerald eyes were full of puzzlement, "You What the hell are you thinking? Just kill the old man and let's leave, why would we need to waste so long."

"There are so many good medicinal materials here, if I really leave like this, I really feel a little bit reluctant." The tone seemed to be false, and Ye Qianyue directly stuffed the medicinal materials she liked into the space of the scepter as she spoke. inside.

"Just talk nonsense, these medicinal materials are good, but they can't keep you!" Obviously not believing Ye Qianyue's words, Killing Seven Thieves stared at her thoughtlessly, "Tell me quickly, what are you planning in your heart?" What about the matter?"

"I want to cure the people of Phoenix City." Picking up a roll of prescriptions, Ye Qianyue said this lightly while reading it.

"Ah? There is nothing wrong with your head, right? Phoenix City is our enemy. You have nothing to do, and you still want to take the initiative to save them?"

"Of course it's not a simple cure for them. Otherwise, if everyone in Phoenix City is cured, they will come to our door one by one alive and well, and we will have a hard time." He took the prescription again casually. After putting it back, Ye Qianyue continued with a light smile, "Give them some sweetness first, and cure a small number of people, and the rest will naturally be grateful, and we will naturally be able to get the people of Phoenix City." support."

Speaking of this, Ye Qianyue smiled confidently, "For these people, it doesn't matter who rules them, the key is their king, whether they can make their lives better, as long as I can If these people are cured, they will definitely support us in Shura City, and by then, everything will become much simpler."

"That's a good thing to say, but I always feel that the old man has no good intentions." Naturally, he said that he was not careful, and he didn't have a good impression on Shi Qi, "There are many masters around this old man. If you want to keep your reputation, then You can't do anything to the old man for the time being."

"Who said that? I'm going to attack Bupo carefully." There were bursts of sly light beating in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue obviously had a solution.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's bright smile, Shi Qi couldn't help but shudder.

Every time Ye Qianyue smiles like this, someone must be in trouble!

Knowing that the unlucky Buposhen will be the one who is going to be unlucky this time, Shi Qi slapped his mouth, "You can do as you see, if there is anything I need, you can just ask."

"Well, this is natural, but for the time being, your help should not be needed." As she said, Ye Qianyue took out a bottle of potion, "You drink this potion first, and strengthen your strength. When I need you, I will naturally ask you to come out and help me."

In order to make Killing Seven stronger and stronger, Ye Qianyue would prepare potions for him every time.

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(End of this chapter)

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