Chapter 724 My Yan'er!
"I didn't expect me to be so powerful that I fell into the hands of such a child!" Having woken up from the coma, Bu Po Shen's complexion was still pale, and he still looked very weak.

"It's that Ye Lin who is too despicable! He actually did such a thing. Isn't this obviously a slap in the face of our Bupo family!" Getting more and more angry, Bupoyan shouted incomparably angrily.

"Hmph, that man is not an ordinary character. If we really can't come up with a solution, I'm afraid there will no longer be a place for our family in Phoenix City!" Having said that, Bu Po Shen They all had dignified faces and spoke almost word for word.

Hearing Bu Poshen's words, Bu Poyan frowned with some puzzlement, "Didn't Ye Lin already give the prescription to you, Dad, why can't you refine it?"

"Who knows what kind of tricks that kid is playing!" Saying this, Bu Poshen's face quickly showed a puzzled expression, "It's very strange to say, there shouldn't be any mistakes in the prescription. Yes, but I don’t know why, but it just can’t be refined.”

"Is it only Daddy who can't refine it? Have you invited other alchemists in the clan to try it?" Bu Poyan asked hastily.

"Of course I tried it. I even found two alchemists from outside the clan, but none of them could make it!" Having said this, he gritted his teeth cautiously, "I Thinking, there must be some mystery in it, so only Ye Lin can refine this potion!"

"Since this is the case, then we might as well attack that Ye Lin directly!" A gleam of coldness flashed across his eyes, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corners of his unbroken lips, "As long as we catch that Ye Lin, Then put her under house arrest and torture her well, when the time comes, I'm not afraid that she won't be obedient!"

Knowing that this is the only way left now, Bu Poshen immediately nodded in agreement, "Well, I'm afraid this is the only way! Now that it's been decided, let's do it immediately! I leave it to you. Eh? Yan'er...?"

He didn't hear Bu Poyan's answer for a while, and Bu Poyan couldn't help being stunned for a while, then turned his head quickly, and looked at Bu Poyan.

I saw that Bu Poyan's face was flushed red at this moment, and his whole body seemed to be cooked directly, with bursts of white smoke coming out.

"Uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Apparently enduring tremendous pain, Bupoyan let out a fragmentary scream from his throat, which looked very terrifying!
"Yan'er! Yan'er, what's wrong with you!" Seeing that the clothes on Bupoyan's body burned without fire, Buposhen's eyes widened in horror, completely unaware of what happened at this moment! !

"Ugh...!" He wanted to speak, wanted to speak, but Bu Poyan opened his mouth, but could only let out a painful wail, and then the whole person's eyes widened, and the surface of the skin suddenly burst out. The gorgeous flames of fiery red interlaced with gold instantly burned the painfully struggling Bu Poyan into a piece of scorched black.

"Ah! Yan'er, my Yan'er!" Seeing Bu Poyan who was burnt to black charcoal in an instant, Bu Po Shen trembled in horror, and then hurriedly stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it invincibly. Yan, but he didn't expect him to meet Bu Poyan's burnt black body, Bu Poyan was like a shattered doll, directly shattered into black ashes all over the place!

(End of this chapter)

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