The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 725 Sending You Over to Accompany Him

Chapter 725 Sending You Over to Accompany Him
"Ahh, Yan'er, my son!!" Seeing Bu Poyan die in front of him in horror, Bu Po Shen shouted with resentment in his eyes, "Who is it! Get out of here!"

"Don't break the Patriarch." At this moment, the clear and pleasant voice rang softly like a silver bell, as if it carried a breathtaking power, which made people tremble unavoidably.

Immediately, his face was full of astonishment, and goosebumps stood up on Bu Poyan's back. He watched in disbelief as Ye Qianyue, who seemed to be in a no-man's land, quietly appeared at the door of the room.

There was a careless arc on the handsome face, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows and looked at Bu Po Shen over there, "I heard that you want to put me under house arrest?"

I just felt that Ye Qianyue's eyes were as sharp as a scimitar, and Bu Poshen felt a heartfelt sense of fear!
"Why are you! How did you come in? Where did the people outside go!" Unexpectedly, the family has always had many powerful guards. It is absolutely impossible for Ye Qianyue to come in like this without encountering those guards !
"They are all dead..." As she said, the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's lips was bright and enchanting, like a seductive but deadly poppy flower, she gently raised her onion-like finger, pointing to the ground "It's like your son, I killed them all."

"You, you lunatic, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" With a roar of incomparable anger, a fierce look quickly appeared in Bu Po Shen's eyes, and the whole person seemed to be crazy, He rushed towards Ye Qianyue's direction with all his might!
Looking coldly at Bu Poshen's action as if courting death, Ye Qianyue smiled slightly, "Patriarch, don't be so anxious, I'll send you to accompany your beloved son."

After saying this, Ye Qianyue's mind also moved slightly.

Bu Po Shen, who had rushed out suddenly, seemed to be strangled by someone at this moment, his eyes widened in horror, and then he stepped back two steps.

Bursts of intense fiery red color appeared all over his body very quickly, and Bu Poshen could clearly feel an incomparably frightening burning sensation emanating from his body crazily, and the fiery power quickly disappeared. It was his bones and muscles that were roasted, making him emit white smoke as if he had been cooked.

"Uh, uh...!" Bu Poshen, who was tortured by the terrible burns and severe pain, was about to go crazy. He opened his mouth with force, obviously wanting to beg for mercy, but he couldn't utter a word, only Neng's eyes widened helplessly, and then he watched himself being baked into a scorched black color.

With a cold snort, Ye Qianyue raised her hand and flicked lightly, an invisible gust of wind rushed out rapidly, instantly smashing the scorched black Bu Po Xin into powder.

Seeing this, Ye Qianye raised his arm lightly, and an invisible strong wind swept out, instantly blowing the wreckage of Bu Po Shen and Bu Po Yan into the air.

After solving all this, Ye Qianyue threw out a phoenix soul fire casually, and let it burn the entire Unbreakable Mansion.

The fire burned all over the sky for three days and three nights, and the unique flames could not be extinguished even by clear water. It was not until the third day that the entire Unbreakable Mansion was burned up and disappeared quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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