Chapter 726 Natural Luminaries
It didn't affect the surrounding buildings in the slightest. It was so accurate that everyone could see that the Bupo family must have provoked some serious people this time before being silenced.

The matter was widely circulated, but Ye Qianyue's life was still very leisurely. Even Feng Lin was as polite as ever to her, obviously not linking her with the matter of the Bupo family.

In fact, it's not that Feng Lin doesn't know that all of this has something to do with Ye Qianyue, she just feels that it is unnecessary to offend Ye Qianyue for the sake of the non-existent Unbroken family.

With Ye Qianyue around, there is no need to keep the family unbroken. Feng Lin is not a fool, so he can tell which is more important.

As long as Ye Qianyue can completely cure this strange disease that pervades the entire Phoenix City, then a mere unbroken family will be destroyed if it is destroyed...

But just when Feng Lin thought that Ye Qianyue would soon cure all the people in Phoenix City, Ye Qianyue suddenly found her and said that she was going out to find medicinal materials.

Only by finding the medicinal materials can all the people in Phoenix City be cured. Feng Lin didn't have much to say about this. He only let Ye Qianyue leave after giving Ye Qianyue a token to enter and exit Phoenix City at will.
When Ye Qianyue left, Feng Lin even urged him thousands of times, for fear that Ye Qianyue would leave directly.

"Her Majesty, put it down, I said that I will cure the people of Phoenix City, and I will definitely do it." It is true, but Ye Qianyue's plan is not to cure these people now, but to wait until Shura City is ruled. After the entire Phoenix City, the treatment will begin.

How did he know that he had been completely tricked, and with Ye Qianyue's guarantee, Feng Lin finally let Ye Qianyue leave with peace of mind.

He returned directly to Shura City, Ye Qianyue just entered the door, and received a letter from Meditation.

When leaving Ye's house before, Mingxiu took the initiative to bid farewell to Ye Qianyue.

It's not that he will never come back again, the meditation is just to help Ye Qianyue better in the future, and he went to the World of Warcraft to practice.

Naturally, she would not hinder meditation, but Ye Qianyue couldn't help but feel worried about meditation.

After all, he has always regarded meditation as his family, and now that he has left, Ye Qianyue has no reason not to worry.

Seeing that Mingxiu had reported his safety in the letter, not only saying that everything was going well, but also saying that he would be back soon, Ye Qianyue's lips could not help but smile.

Happiness was mixed with anticipation, and Ye Qianyue felt relieved of the letter in her hand, and was immediately hugged tightly from behind.

Ye Qianyue would never admit to the aura that belonged to her beloved.

Sensing Si Linyuan's strong resentment and jealousy at the moment, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, asking knowingly, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's just that you know that the black cat is fine, why are you so happy?" I knew in my heart that Ye Qianyue would not be attracted to men other than myself, but Ye Qianyue was so attractive that Si Linyuan Have to guard against.

Those men are all like wolves like tigers, wishing they could just snatch his wives away. Seriously, it's irritating!

Ye Qianyue is a natural luminous body. When she is a woman, she can make countless men fall for her, and when she pretends to be a man, she can even make women in the world unable to hold on. Such a powerful Charm, how could he not be worried.

(End of this chapter)

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