The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 727 Give it to you as a bride price

Chapter 727 Give it to you as a bride price
But knowing how good Ah Yue is and how painful it is, Si Linyuan is more worried because he knows it.

"Mingxiu is my best friend. Knowing that he is safe and sound, I am naturally happy." Knowing that Si Linyuan was jealous, Ye Qianyue was not only not angry when she saw him like this, but rather happy.

Being willing to be jealous really shows that she cares. If Si Linyuan really doesn't care about her relationship with other men, then she will really be annoyed.

Si Linyuan, who was all-powerful in front of outsiders, would become so gentle and affectionate in front of himself. This kind of contrast really made it hard for Ye Qianyue not to like him.

Realizing that it had been a long time since she had really kissed Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue's lips curled up into a seductive smile, then she raised her chin and looked at Si Linyuan. He breathed Rulan and said, "Would you like to kiss me?"

The provocative sound was like a kitten's paw. It scratched Si Linyuan's heart fiercely, making his eyes go dark, and then blocked Ye Qian regardless. lips of the moon.

The soft.. soft and moving lips, with their own beauty, instantly ignited the atmosphere between the two.

Panting frantically, the two were reluctant to part with each other, rubbing each other's lips, longing for each other's existence in the most direct way.

This is a deep and thick love, so rich that it is unimaginable.

It wasn't until the lips of the two of them were on the verge of burning that they finally parted reluctantly.

"I miss you very much." With his forehead against Ye Qianyue's, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes were full of fire, heat and longing, and Ye Qianyue's body almost went limp looking at it.

"Then let me take a good look at what you think." Like a coquettish kitten, Ye Qianyue carried a bit of evil. Charm, evil. Heart. Eyes rubbed against Si Linyuan...

"Hmm—" A hoarse, unbearable voice suddenly came out of his throat, Si Linyuan quickly grabbed the restless Ye Qianyue, his eyes were quite dangerous, "You are playing with fire!" .”

When she turned over, she was crushed by Si Linyuan, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes showed a touch of emotion. Moist mist, and her voice was sweet, "I don't like playing, I like...playing... you."

Ye Qianyue's soft words completely ignited the desire in Si Linyuan's eyes, causing him to land passionate kisses on Ye Qianyue's body one after another.

"Your Majesty, there has been movement in Four Seas City." Just when the two of them were having difficulty holding on, Qianying's anxious voice suddenly came in from outside the door.

"Pfft." He couldn't help chuckling at the moment, and Ye Qianyue's expression seemed to have a bit of helplessness, "It seems that we won't be able to properly solve the matter on the floating island unless we solve the problem thoroughly."'s hot."

"I've ordered someone to prepare for the wedding." Hearing this, the anger in Si Linyuan's heart disappeared immediately, and he reluctantly kissed Ye Qianyue's smooth forehead, "When the time comes, I will give you the entire floating island, as a dowry."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue nodded obediently, and then let Si Linyuan tidy up her messy clothes before calling Qianying in.

Originally wondering why Ye Qianyue and the others took so long to open the door, but as soon as Qianying entered, seeing their red...swollen lips, she immediately knew everything.

(End of this chapter)

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