Chapter 729
Seeing Qianying leave, Ye Qianyue showed a bit of laziness in her whole body, she was as elegant as a beautiful goblin formed by the condensed moonlight.

He stretched out his arms and hugged Ye Qianyue's soft and slender waist, Si Linyuan felt Ye Qianyue's beautiful body temperature that was so beautiful that he couldn't help himself, and his eyes narrowed slightly , with a deep and pleasant voice, "Ah Yue, I have a gift for you."

She raised her brows with interest, Ye Qianyue's eyes were like silk, and there was an inseparable smile in her eyes, "I didn't expect you to be really good at making people happy. This gift is for me. reward?"

"I hope you like it." After speaking, he took out a velvet brocade box from his armhole, and Si Linyuan placed it in front of Ye Qianyue.

Looking at the box curiously, Ye Qianyue could clearly feel a very thick and mysterious energy from it.

Energy slowly seeped out of it, as thick as a substance, but not sharp, but very gentle, almost flowing out of the box, and then slowly seeping in along Ye Qianyue's fingertips inside her.

When the pure power penetrated into the body, it was instantly transformed into pure thought power, nourishing Ye Qianyue's bones and muscles.

The pure thoughts seeped into her body, and Ye Qianyue opened the brocade box quickly with a bit of excitement and curiosity.

The moment the brocade box was opened, a powerful force quickly overflowed, and then was absorbed into Ye Qianyue's body with her breathing.

In the brocade box, there is a beige bead that is round and round.

The bead is only the size of a longan, and bursts of beige brilliance burst out along with the mist containing pure energy.

The energy in the diffuse mist is pure and gentle, and it is absorbed by the skin almost at the same time as it touches the skin.

"What is this?" Ye Qianyue asked looking at the incomparably mysterious beige sphere that looked like a elixir in the brocade box, but her dark eyes were filled with intense joy.

Although Ye Qianyue didn't know what this thing was, the mysterious power contained in it still penetrated into her body slowly along her fingertips, making it impossible for her to ignore it.

"This is a mysterious treasure of heaven and earth, called Jin Ren Dan, which I obtained by accident many years ago. Although this thing looks inconspicuous, it contains powerful energy. As long as you put this Jin Ren Dan in your body, every time you practice At that time, you can also absorb the pure power emitted by Jin Rendan into your body, and the speed of upgrading will be more than ten times faster than the speed of ordinary cultivation." Looking at Ye Qianyue's face Looking happy, Si Linyuan couldn't help but also became happy, "Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Nodding her head immediately, Ye Qianyue's face was really full of joy, saying so, Dang even smiled and kissed Si Linyuan on the cheek.

Seeing Ye Qianyue so happy, Si Linyuan was also happy.

After finally getting the good treasure, Ye Qianyue didn't want to waste another second, so she quickly searched for a closed secret room, and then went directly in to absorb Jin Rendan.

Although Jin Rendan seems to be the name of the elixir, it is actually a special ore in the deep sea.

(End of this chapter)

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