Chapter 730 Ants on the Hot Pot
And even if the power in Jin Ren Dan is absorbed at one time, after waiting for a period of time, new power will continue to gather in Jin Ren Dan, and it will continue to be repeated, no matter how absorbed, it will not be exhausted.

It has to be said that this Jin Ren Dan is really something that can speed up the speed of cultivation, Ye Qianyue immediately took out the Jin Ren Dan without the slightest hesitation, and swallowed it directly into her mouth.

After entering the body, the originally solid Jin Rendan immediately turned into a mass of extremely pure energy, quickly divided into several clusters, and then quickly wandered towards Ye Qianyue's limbs and bones.

The speed was extremely fast, and the pure energy immediately penetrated into Ye Qianyue's limbs and bones, constantly nourishing every part of Ye Qianyue's body with that pure energy.

She has never realized that the bones and muscles in her body are so hungry. At this moment, Ye Qianyue closed her eyes and began to practice. She could clearly feel the thirst of the muscles and bones in her body for strength.see.

Ye Qianyue didn't feel the slightest worry about this, but quickly raised the corners of her lips.

It must be an excellent thing for the body to be thirsty for energy like this!

As long as these energies can slowly penetrate into every part of her body, after absorbing them, her strength will definitely take a huge leap!

And after the energy diffused evenly in Ye Qianyue's body, it quickly condensed into its original appearance, and slowly suspended in Ye Qianyue's dantian, strengthening her thoughts.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but feel a little excited. Ye Qianyue closed her eyes and sank, not in a hurry, but slowly absorbing the energy in Jinren Dan...

Time flies, during the period of Ye Qianyue's cultivation, amazing changes have taken place on the floating island.

Qianying handled things quite neatly, and that night, the token was delivered to Feng Lin, the lord of Phoenix City.

He clearly recognized that this was the token he had given to Ye Qianyue. Feng Lin, who originally wanted to calm things down, suddenly became anxious and panicked, and his whole body instantly became an ant on a hot pot. Jump up!

The existence of Xiangye Qianyue is irreplaceable for their entire Phoenix City.

They only have three months. After three months, the effects of the potions taken by the people will disappear. If Ye Qianyue has not returned before then...

Thinking of this made cold sweat flow, Feng Lin was so anxious that he almost scratched the wall!

Now the Unbroken Family will be completely wiped out, and there will be no emergency medicine by then! !

In this way, Phoenix City will become a dead city after three months. Even if some people survive, those weak soldiers and generals will not be able to compete with any army!

Whether it is life or death, it all depends on these three months!

"Quick! Hurry up and send a message to the Four Seas City, saying that we agree to the alliance to deal with Shura City together, and immediately mobilize the troops!!" Feng Lin was thinking that Ye Qianyue was caught by the people of Shura City on the way to collect medicine. Yes, but she never expected that Ye Qianyue was from Shura City from the beginning, and she was also the famous Queen Shura of Shura City! !
After the alliance was reached, the atmosphere on the entire floating island became tense.

Everyone knows that a big war is absolutely unavoidable.

Both Universal City and Phoenix City were forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, and even started to mobilize soldiers in a panic!

(End of this chapter)

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