Chapter 731 As handsome as a god

Four Seas City has completely fallen into the predicament of water shortage, and Phoenix City has no more than three months left!
Compared to the two cities being driven to a dead end, Shura City is carrying out all this in an orderly manner.

Since Si Linyuan's birthday, Shura City has made up its mind that it will never destroy these two cities, so everything has been prepared long ago, just waiting for the two cities to throw themselves into the trap...

But just as the war was approaching, Ye Qianyue still did not withdraw from her cultivation for a long time.

The result of this battle will determine the future form of the entire floating island, so Si Linyuan, as the king of Shura City, must go to the battlefield.

The ancient temple gate on the border of Shura City is the most important checkpoint in Shura City. As long as you guard there, even if Universal City and Phoenix City have great abilities, they will not be able to control Shura City at all!
Naturally, if you can't defend there, then all the checkpoints after Shura City will be like fakes, and it is absolutely impossible to stop the two cities!
Like Shura City, Universal City and Phoenix City also regard this battle as extremely important!

Needless to say, Four Seas City, their water source is very limited, and now there is going to be a big war, and their entire Four Seas City's life and death are almost entirely dependent on this battle.

As for the Phoenix City, although there is three months, within these three months, the longer the delay, the weaker the body will be after the medicine gradually disappears, and it will be easier for them to get sick, so there is not much time for them to delay , it is bound to join forces with Universal City to regain their 'Night Lin Miracle Doctor'!

I saw a handsome man wearing iron-colored armor on the border city of the ancient temple gate. His long black hair was neatly erected behind his head by a blood jade crown, making him look like an iron-blooded god of war. Born to kill and torture, with a glance of indifference and madness, it is like a sharp long knife, which is instantly creepy, and dare not be presumptuous any more!

With an air of arrogance and an innate air of a king, Si Linyuan stood coldly on the city wall, but it made the combined army below dare not move forward!

They all felt incomparable fear. Compared to the combined army, the number of soldiers in Shura City was naturally less than one-third less than them.

Even so, the aura of Shura City was still dragged up by Si Linyuan, the king, without any sign of weakness!
Fear and panic, even Hai Zhenyun and Feng Lin, who were leading the coalition forces, could not help but feel a slight tremor in their hearts.

The strength of both of them is Nian Tiandi, which can be said to be quite against the sky.

But even at this moment when the two of them teamed up, they still couldn't surpass Si Linyuan in terms of momentum, and were instead suppressed by him!
It was just an initial collision, and the city lords of the two cities were defeated!

"So what's the point of arrogance, I still don't believe that you can win against two!" Hai Zhenyun was really driven to a desperate situation, and his whole body was incomparably insane.

"Si Linyuan, when our two cities join forces, your Asura City is no match for us at all. We advise you to surrender obediently. I can still leave your whole body!" The spear in his hand pointed sharply across the air, Hai Zhenyun's voice was cold, with a hint of ferocious killing intent faintly hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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