The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 732 Ants Are Just Ants After All

Chapter 732 Ants Are Just Ants After All
"Ants are just ants after all. Even if they are huddled together, they are still not qualified to be presumptuous in front of a lonely person." Facing the coalition forces of the two cities, Si Linyuan was still extremely calm, even the one below him The soldiers of Shura City also had iron blood on their faces, and their hostility was soaring! !

The majestic momentum swept over, with a palpitating arrogance, which made everyone in the two cities feel a little uneasy.

Completely different from those who were driven into desperation, Shura City had enough food and grass, no disease or disaster, and with Si Linyuan sitting in the town, the soldiers of Shura City could be said to be fearless!

My heart is a little beating, but today's Universal City and Phoenix City have no reason or opportunity to retreat!
If they retreat, they will definitely die, but if they advance, they may still have a chance of life!

As long as the two city lords join forces and defeat Si Linyuan first, the momentum of Shura City will definitely be greatly reduced. At that time, it will be their best chance to attack!
"There's no need to say any more nonsense. Today's battle is inevitable. No one can stop our two cities' coalition forces from knocking down the gates of your Shura city!" Feng Lin also quickly took out a sharp knife from his bosom. With a long whip, he fiercely met Si Linyuan over there.

"Since you are determined to seek death, then let Gu Lai play with you." Looking at the murderous look of the two, Si Linyuan's lips evoked a careless smile, He looked coldly at Hai Zhenyun and the two over there.

Seeing Si Linyuan approaching through the air, Hai Zhenyun and his two tensed palms broke out in a layer of cold sweat.

Both of them knew that Si Linyuan's strength must be very strong! !

At the beginning of the war, it is inevitable for the leaders of both sides to fight. For a while, the attention of the soldiers of both sides is on the mid-air.

Speaking of war, strategies and soldiers are naturally indispensable, but compared to these two, momentum is the most important thing!
As long as there is momentum, 1 people can strangle all 10 people, but without momentum, no matter how many people there are, they will be useless!

The struggle between generals is to be the first to determine the winner or loser in terms of momentum.

If the general wins, his momentum will be greatly increased, and the entire army will be invincible, but if the general loses, then the morale of the army must be broken, and the entire army will be vulnerable!
The final victory or defeat depends on this moment!
Compared to Hai Zhenyun's nervousness, Si Linyuan's expression was indifferent, as if all of this was within his expectations and would not affect him in the slightest.

His proud eyes swept over the faces of the two of them slowly, Si Linyuan waved his hand lightly, and a dark red flame dragon quickly appeared beside him.

"Roar!" The sound of the dragon's howl was frightening. When the scorching dragon fire appeared in this world, the moisture in the air was completely burned, and the scalding temperature directly made people feel ashamed. Hai Zhenyun's robe spontaneously ignited!

The scorching pain came instantly, causing Hai Zhenyun's face to turn pale!
He really wanted to scream out, but Hai Zhenyun could guess that if he really screamed out, it would definitely confuse the soldiers!
He could only forcefully endure the screams that he almost blurted out, Hai Zhenyun's eyes were about to burst, and he took off his burning robe extremely quickly, and quickly threw it down.

(End of this chapter)

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