Chapter 737 Did you miss me?
"Roar!" I saw the demonic beast showing its white and sharp teeth ferociously, crushing the ground with a fierce claw, and the fine cracks spread out like spider webs, and the shock was murderous. The [-]% of the allied forces soaring into the sky all trembled, with a frightened expression on their faces, obviously they were all terrified!

"Hurry up, run, it's a monster, it's an army of monsters!" Looking at the army of monsters composed of countless monsters, no matter how fierce the people are, they will be frightened out of their wits, no matter what the battle is, the most important thing is to save their lives!

At that moment, the coalition forces of the two cities, which were heading towards the ancient temple gate, retreated quickly like a tide. The soldiers couldn't care about anything, and retreated desperately, for fear that if they were too late, they would be buried in those Under the claws of ferocious monsters, they tore into pieces of meat, and then swallowed them into their stomachs!

Looking at the fleeing soldiers, the monsters bared their fangs ferociously, as if they would rush forward just waiting for an order, and devour them all!
At this moment, An Tianlei swarmed out from the sky above the monster, and then a pitch-black boot slowly stepped out of it.

It was as cold as a millennium's ice, and the man was wearing a black gown fluttering in the wind, making his handsome face even colder.

The dazzling long golden hair was casually scattered on the shoulders, different from the dazzling color, the man had an outstanding demeanor, but his handsome face was filled with a coldness that repulsed people thousands of miles away.

As if it was really an ice sculpture made of the coldest ice in the world, the man's golden eyes with the same hair color were condensed with cold stars, and it was breathtaking to sweep them lightly.

So cold and unworldly, everyone felt that, at first glance, it was a blasphemy against his cold temperament.

Indifferent and proud, with awe-inspiring aura, there is only Mingxiu who can have such a cool and charming man.

The golden eyes seemed to be condensed with a thin layer of ice, and the petal-like lips of Mingxiu moved slightly, and the hostility permeated, "Kill."

"Roar, roar--!" Accompanied by Mingxiu's order, the army of monsters who couldn't wait let out a roar like thunder, and then rushed madly towards the direction where the soldiers were.

The screams of soldiers and the roars of monsters swarmed up, accompanied by a strong smell of blood that quickly swept out, spreading away profusely, permeating the world.

Seeing this, Mingxiu finally turned his head indifferently, and looked at the fiery red figure on the city wall.

Still so beautiful, Ye Qianyue also looked at him, and then slightly raised the corners of her lips, showing him a smile.

The ice-cold eyes were melted in an instant, and a little bit of crystal light flew up. With a bit of tenderness, Meditation stepped into the void, and soon came in front of Ye Qianyue and the others.

Still, when he saw Ye Qianyue, he couldn't help showing a gentle expression, and Mingxiu's brows and eyes were full of strong smiles, "Ah Yue, I'm back."

Seeing the smile on Mingxiu's face, Ye Qianyue couldn't help being infected, "Welcome back."

Seeing Ye Qianyue and hearing her voice again, the pain and sadness of cultivation disappeared immediately, and the golden eyes of meditation practiced a little bit of anticipation, and asked very expectantly, "Ah Yue, I have been away for so long time, do you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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