Chapter 738 You will surely die
"With me here, I won't give Ah Yue any time or opportunity to think about other men." At this moment, Si Linyuan stretched out his hand lightly, and laid it in front of Ye Qianyue, looking at the man who was meditating. The eyes are as cold as they are cold.

Looking at Si Linyuan, Mingxiu also had no good attitude, "That's because I didn't come back. Now that I'm back, the opportunity is all mine."

Seeing Mingxiu like this, she knew that she must still be thinking about Ye Qianyue, and Si Linyuan's golden eyes soon showed several dangerous cold lights.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly condensed to the extreme, and Ye Qianyue knew that if she didn't stop her, she would face a big battle next.

"Okay, okay, why do you two fight when you meet? Can't you be more peaceful." Saying this, Ye Qianyue's face suddenly turned eight degrees colder.

Seeing that Mingxiu stopped talking, but Si Linyuan still looked majestic, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, and reached out to bump his arm, "What are you doing? Mingxiu helped us as soon as he came over. It's a big favor, you can't do this."

"I'm not helping him." Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Mingxiu retorted immediately, and then looked at Ye Qianyue with some caution and expectation, "I'm helping you, I want you happy."

There was a bit of indifference on his handsome face, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of Si Linyuan's lips, "Ah Yue, it seems that someone is still wicked."

Seeing the two men's blades and sword shadows, refusing to give in to each other, Ye Qianyue became angry, and raised her hand to knock on the foreheads of the two, "If you make trouble again, I will get angry."

"Ah Yue, don't take it seriously, we're just joking." Si Linyuan hurriedly put his arms around Ye Qianyue's soft waist, with a handsome smile on his face, and said hastily.

Mingxiu didn't want Ye Qianyue to ignore her just after she came back, so she nodded hastily with a little nervousness.

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue was completely helpless by these two thick-skinned men, she could only take a deep look at these two men, and then immediately turned her attention to the messy battlefield below.

Although these soldiers were not weak, it was absolutely impossible for them to win against these terrifying monsters. They were beaten to the point of crying and howling, screaming and screaming.

"Mingxiu, just remind me, just subdue them, don't tell these people to die." Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and said this seriously right now.

Now that the city lords of the two cities have all been destroyed, they will be able to set off immediately to take the two cities into their hands. What they need most at this time is to appease the hearts of the people, that is, the support of the people. If he ate everything, if the news got out, it would be a bit bad.

Knowing Ye Qianyue's meaning, Mingxiu immediately raised his hand, and a cyan lightning burst out of his hand, and then rushed towards the sky.

I saw black clouds quickly appearing in this piece of heaven and earth, in which the blue lightning kept churning, and with a bang, it seemed that it was about to fall!

The tumbling Qing Lei suddenly made all the monsters scream, and then became obedient in an instant, not daring to continue to be presumptuous.

When Mingxiu subdued the monster, Si Linyuan's face was also a bit indifferent, and the proud voice came out, with a bit of iron blood, "The coalition forces of the two cities, those who surrender will not be killed, and those who resist will die." undoubtedly!"

(End of this chapter)

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