Chapter 739
A soft sentence, the voice is obviously not loud, but it is more terrifying than the blue thunder rolling in the sky!
For a moment, everyone was silent, not daring to say a word of nonsense!

Leaving aside the fact that the army of monsters was still watching, the moment the mad killing intent was broken, they already had plans to surrender.

Impossible not to admit defeat, they don't want to die yet!
They all looked at Si Linyuan who was on the border city gate with a cold face. Everyone only thought that this handsome man who looked like a god was the real king who was irresistible!
No matter who it is, as long as you dare to act presumptuously in front of him, you will be killing yourself!

Clearly aware of this, the disheveled soldiers below all felt a heartfelt chill from their heels to their foreheads, making them unable to resist or dare to resist. All of them dropped the weapons in their hands, and then Under Si Linyuan's powerful coercion that despises all beings, they knelt down to him in unison.

Spread your hands upwards, and your forehead is firmly pressed against the ground. Such a posture represents absolute surrender!
Seeing this, Si Linyuan finally smiled in satisfaction, and under the excited eyes of the soldiers of Shura City behind him, he proudly shouted coldly, "From now on, there will be only Shura city on this floating island!"

"Oh - we won, we won!!"

The already excited mood was instantly ignited by Si Linyuan's words, everyone let out an excited cry from their throats, and that roar of victory immediately overwhelmed the thunder in the sky. With an absolute magnificence, people's minds are shocked!

After hearing the shouts of all the soldiers, the coalition forces of the two cities, which had already lost their fighting spirit, trembled slightly.

This is the end of the war!
The news naturally spread very quickly. The news of Shura City's complete victory spread across the entire floating island in an instant, and an ultimatum was issued to the remaining royal families in the two cities.

It was a fight to the death, but now it is even worse. The Four Seas Kingdom has no water source and cannot survive at all, so they can only choose to surrender.

Moreover, Shura City promised that as long as they surrendered, they would build a canal to transport them to the source of water.

Such a temptation is really too great!

As for Phoenix City, all the people knew that the person who had been treating them all this time was King Shura's queen, and the last bit of resistance left in their hearts was completely gone, completely gone.

As long as they can be saved so that they can live healthy and healthy, no matter who is the king, it is all right!
The two cities quickly surrendered, and the entire floating island suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

The situation where the three cities stand together has completely disappeared, and now, only one city, Shura City, stands proudly in the world!
And along with the shocking news, there was Ye Qianyue's resounding name.

For a moment, Ye Qianyue, who was completely ignored by everyone, suddenly became the object of everyone's admiration.

Everyone knows that this woman is peerless and powerful, and she has contributed a lot in this battle!

Especially the people of Shura City and Phoenix City, the worship of Ye Qianyue has reached the point of prostration!
Having completely conquered the hearts of the people, Ye Qianyue is naturally in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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