Chapter 744 Be by Her Side

The world is so big, it is not easy to find someone who can stay with you for a lifetime.

As early as when I went out to practice, I had figured it out through meditation.

Since he can't be by Ye Qianyue's side as a lover, it's okay to be a friend.

To like someone, you don't have to take it as your own. Even in meditation, you know in your dreams that Ye Qianyue doesn't like him, but she won't be really happy when he is with him.

In this case, Mingxiu would rather choose to be by Ye Qianyue's side, seeing her really happy and happy.

As long as Ye Qianyue is happy, then he will be happy too, as long as this is enough...

Thinking of this, Mingxiu's eyes glowed faintly, and then he quickly closed his eyes, quietly waiting for Ye Qianyue.

Here, after Ye Qianyue entered the secret room, intense refining began.

The refining of the medicine itself is not difficult, the most important thing is to integrate the vitality of the pure power into it.

Already accustomed to this kind of refining, Ye Qianyue's speed is naturally extremely fast.

It took less than five days for Ye Qianyue to refine it. Compared with the previous potion, the potion that Ye Qianyue refined this time is more pure and effective than yours before. obvious.

Soon these medicines were distributed, and Ye Qianyue was put into the second refinement again.

After refining it for a full three times, Ye Qianyue finally took a breath.

After taking the potion three times, the vitality in the bodies of everyone in Phoenix City was replenished, and the whole city was celebrating now, and even regarded Ye Qianyue as a god-like existence!

I have been troubled by this terrible disease for a long time, and now it is finally cured, how can everyone be unhappy!
Although she had been refining day and night for a long time, Ye Qianyue didn't feel too tired, she just recovered after a night's rest.

Although Bi Haizhu has been handed over to Si Linyuan's reliable subordinates in advance, and they are asked to take Bi Haizhu to the Four Seas City, let Hai Jing'er push it first, and solve the urgent need, but it is not a long-term solution after all, Ye Qianyue It's better to rush to Universal City as soon as possible.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue had already rested, Meditation immediately asked, "Are we going to Universal City next?"

"Don't worry, the matter in Phoenix City has not been completely resolved." After taking a sip of tea, Ye Qianyue quickly continued, "The vitality of everyone in Phoenix City is absorbed by the surrounding forest outside. Now that they have made up for the missing vitality in their bodies, there will be no serious problems in the future, but if the outer forest continues to absorb the vitality in the bodies of everyone in Phoenix City, then everything will be in vain, and they will soon be beaten back to their original state."

"That being said, there is something strange in this outer forest." Knowing the situation, Mingxiu continued calmly, "In this case, let's go to the outer forest first."

"Well, that's what I planned at the beginning." After nodding, Ye Qianyue and Mingxiu quickly left the palace and headed towards the outside forest without wasting any time.

The speed was naturally extremely fast, and Ye Qianyue and the two soon came to the outer forest.

The huge forest looks very magnificent, and the emerald green forest is full of vigorous vitality.

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  There will be a lucky draw on the 15th, dear friends, you can go to the top comment to see the details!

(End of this chapter)

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