Chapter 745 Can You Help My Mother?
The majestic giant tree is surrounded by lush vines and dark moss, among which the high-pitched cry of monsters can be heard continuously, making this forest more and more vibrant.

The blue sky and white clouds, the breeze blowing by, Ye Qianyue stepped on the soft green grass, and took a deep breath.

The dark eyes filled with a little pink crystal light, Ye Qianyue quickly used her own energy of the myriad flowers, feeling the abundant vitality contained in the surrounding world.

"Mother, these trees are absorbing the vitality of everyone in Phoenix City." At this moment, Ye Qianyue's scepter space flashed pink, and Huabao's small figure suddenly appeared in Ye Qianyue in front of.

Still with that pink and tender look, Hua Bao's crystal eyes were filled with soft light, and her long silver-white hair fell down to her ankles.

"Mother!" Before that, she had been helping Ye Qianyue refine medicine, and Huabao hadn't come out for a long time, and now she finally came out, which made Huabao very happy.

Looking at the happy Hua Bao, Ye Qianyue suddenly noticed something unusual.

I saw that Huabao seemed to have grown up a lot compared to before, and that delicate and lovely face was also less immature and more mature.

However, even though she has grown up, Hua Bao still loves to act like a baby as always, and the way she threw herself into her arms all of a sudden, compared with before, there is really no change at all.

"Huabao, have you grown up again?" Looking at Huabao's energetic appearance, Ye Qianyue saw that it had grown up a bit, so she couldn't help being happy for Huabao!

"En! Mother, you have become stronger, and you can't fall behind!" Hua Bao's face was full of smiles, and he clenched his little fists swearingly, and said with a happy smile.

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but smile slightly, reached out with a smile, and gently touched Hua Bao's little head.

"There are so many trees here, and they are constantly absorbing the vitality of everyone in Phoenix City. Those people will inevitably get sick." After saying this with a smile, Ye Qianyue hugged the little flower, and smiled. He said, "Hua Bao, come and help mother, okay?"

"Of course!" Nodding excitedly, Hua Bao quickly turned into a streak of light and entered between Ye Qianyue's eyebrows.

Immediately, the majestic energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers system swept out quickly, with a bit of purity that could not be ignored, rolling up soft petals flying all over the sky.

Like the Wanhua Fairy who accidentally fell into the mortal world, Ye Qianyue's lips evoked a faint smile at this moment. She was so beautiful that she didn't seem like a real person, but more like the one who came out of the ink painting scroll. The woman's every gesture and smile are all touching, making it impossible to divert one's attention.

Such perfection, such soul-stirring.

Mingxiu stood aside, looking at Ye Qianyue in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, only felt that Ye Qianyue looked so perfect at the moment, intoxicating and unable to extricate herself.

But here, Ye Qianyue didn't pay too much attention to the sight of the meditator, but turned around her graceful figure, causing the thick energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers system to quickly spread towards the surrounding trees like ripples.

The moment it touched the tree, the ferocious energy was quickly absorbed, and then a trace of excess vitality absorbed by the tree was slowly drawn out by the energy of the myriad flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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