Chapter 746
The thick energy continued to spread towards the surroundings in an arc shape, and then soon gathered a group of light pink vitality energy.

Having completely condensed the excess vitality energy in the trees, Ye Qianyue also transformed those trees so that they would not absorb the energy of everyone in the city so presumptuously in the future.

After doing all this, fine beads of sweat had already permeated Ye Qianyue's face.

Her complexion was also somewhat pale, but Ye Qianyue still immediately evoked a beautiful smile.

The touching and beautiful flowers seemed to be the flowers of the high mountains, and Ye Qianyue waved her hand gently with the gentleness unique to women.

I saw that group of light pink energy ball that was so full of vitality shot out instantly, and then rushed straight towards the direction of Phoenix City.

The speed was very fast, when the energy ball came to the sky above Phoenix City, Ye Qianyue's bright red lips evoked a faint smile, and she snapped her fingers lightly.

I saw that ball of energy burst out with a powerful light in an instant, and then exploded suddenly, turning into countless light spots, gradually penetrating into every corner of Phoenix City.

"In this way, the matter in Phoenix City can be regarded as being completely resolved." Speaking of this, Ye Qianyue showed a perfect smile on her face, and said with a sincere smile.

Seeing Ye Qianyue happy, meditation naturally felt happy too.

His gentle eyes were on Ye Qianyue's body from the beginning to the end, Mingxiu looked at the sweat oozing from Ye Qianyue's forehead, and quickly handed her a soft handkerchief, "Do you want to take a rest?" After that, go to Four Seas City?"

"In order not to have long nights and dreams, let's go now, so as not to cause any trouble." After taking the handkerchief from Mingxiu, Ye Qianyue wiped her sweat casually, and was about to build a space wormhole, but Seeing the thunder and lightning around Meditation move quickly, and then instantly turned into a majestic dark sky thunder beast.

Still so handsome and fierce, although Mingxiu looks very cold, but those golden vertical pupils are still full of tenderness, "Come on, I will take you there, it will save you some energy." .”

Seeing that Mingxiu said so proactively, Ye Qianyue couldn't refuse, she tapped her toes lightly on the ground, Ye Qianyue sat sideways on Mingxiu's strong back, and reached out to touch Mingxiu's black skin. She exclaimed, "Mingxiu, your hair is really soft."

"Sit down, don't move around..." Although she knew that Ye Qianyue had no other intentions, Ming Xiu, who had always been thin-skinned, still felt a little embarrassed.

As the king of beasts, this is the first time someone has ridden on its back.

Being ridden on someone's back is a kind of loyalty and obedience, so no one in this world except Ye Qianyue has this qualification.

The speed is naturally extremely fast. When Ye Qianyue closed her eyes and rested for a while, Mingxiu had already brought her to the outskirts of Sihai City.

Naturally, it can't be as simple as just using the Bihaizhu to summon some water. Ye Qianyue thought that instead of doing this, she should find a way to create a water source on the outskirts of Sihai City. It is to be able to send fresh water into the city of the four seas.

(End of this chapter)

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