Chapter 747
When Ye Qianyue arrived at Four Seas City, Qianying was already waiting there.

"See the queen." On the hot desert, Qianying saw Ye Qianyue coming, and quickly knelt down in front of Ye Qianyue.

Qianying was always so respectful, so it goes without saying that the subordinates behind him all knelt down on the ground in unison, without any hesitation in their movements, as fast as they wanted, "See the queen! "

To put it lightly, she jumped off the back of Mingxiu. Ye Qianyue's eyebrows and eyes were filled with a hint of arrogance that only those in high positions can have. A faint sweep of her eyes is completely irresistible , can only obediently surrender at her feet.

"Give me the Bihaizhu." Said lightly, Ye Qianyue took the Bihaizhu from Qianying.

The whole body is perfectly round, and the sound of waves overflowing from it can be faintly heard, which is really incomparably mysterious!
Seeing that Ye Qianyue took over Bihaizhu, everyone had some expectations.

I think that the previous city lords of the Four Seas City did not think about making water sources to maintain the water needed by the Four Seas City, but the surrounding of the Four Seas City is a huge desert, and the sand absorbs the most water. No matter how much water is poured into it, it is completely useless , was instantly absorbed by the sand, and then evaporated without a trace.

What's more, the Four Seas City is already short of water, and no one will foolishly use precious water for experiments to develop a truly feasible method.

So everyone was very curious about what Ye Qianyue was going to do.

Naturally, he also knows this, but Ye Qianyue has a more special method.

"Get out of the way, all of you." Ye Qianyue said this to Qianying and the others after she had already thought about what to do.

Not daring not to listen to Ye Qianyue's words, Qianying and the others nodded in unison when they heard the words, and then quickly backed away.

It was three miles away from the Four Seas City, but Qianying and the others were forcefully forced by Ye Qianyue to retreat to a place only half a mile away from the Four Seas City.

With such a distance, they couldn't even see Ye Qianyue's figure.

It didn't matter whether everyone could see her or not, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath immediately, and then snapped her fingers lightly.

I saw the fiery red Phoenix Soul Fire swept out instantly, and then with a bit of a sharp feeling, it rushed out quickly, spreading towards the surroundings from the place where Ye Qianyue was, and quickly surrounded it into a A huge circle with a diameter of five miles.

Seeing Feng Hunhuo passing by in front of her eyes like this, Qianying couldn't help feeling somewhat surprised at this strange scene.

And soon, Ye Qianyue's mind moved, and the Phoenix Soul Fire went underground, and then spread rapidly.

The frightening speed made one's heart tremble, and the sand burned by the hot flames sizzled, accompanied by bursts of smoke, and the sand was quickly burned into a little bit of fine viscous liquid.

Going deep into the ground for about ten meters, Ye Qianyue allowed the fierce Phoenix Soul Fire to gradually burn all the yellow sand in the deep pit into a viscous liquid.

The calcination continued for a day and a night, and Ye Qianyue kept her eyes closed all the time.

The five kilometers of sandy land was burned and melted at this moment, and then condensed into a large mass of viscous liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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