Chapter 750: Great Wedding Joy 1
Feeling the approach of Mingxiu, Shi Qi, who was occupying Ye Qianyue's body at this moment, turned his face, and clapped his hands to Mingxiu with some anticipation, "Come on, little Heihei! Become a monster soon, I want to ride you!"

Mingxiu is the king of all beasts, and being able to ride it is a very cool thing.

Seeing the excitement on Shi Qi's face, Ming Xiu glanced at him coldly, "Dreaming."

After saying this, Mingxiu took a step forward without hesitation.

"Hmph! Inhuman guy!" Seeing that Mingxiu didn't agree with him at all, Shi Qi snorted coldly with a displeased face, and then followed Mingxiu to the direction of Shura City cursing.


All the matters in the two cities have been completely resolved. According to the agreement, the next thing that awaits Ye Qianyue is her long-awaited wedding day with Si Linyuan.

Ten miles of red makeup is in full swing, almost reddening the blue sky and white clouds, and Shura City is even more fiery red.

Today's wedding of their only king and queen was really celebrated with the sound of gongs and drums.

Everything is so high-profile and extravagant, and the long-prepared wedding looks even more perfect at this moment. Flower petals are flying up all over the sky, making the palace of Shura City look even more beautiful Huan.

And located in the Queen's bedroom, Ye Qianyue was wearing a fiery red wedding dress, and the long skirt was embroidered with vivid phoenixes.

It is completely different from the usual no makeup, today's Ye Qianyue is more meticulously dressed, her long black hair is coiled into a delicate and gorgeous bun, a peony is painted on her smooth forehead, and her slender, dark eyebrows and eyes are beautiful. It is full of strong joy.

Slightly drooping eyes, the thick eyelashes like small brushes cast a layer of silhouette on the white face.

The crimson lips are even more alluring.

Little golden tassels hung down, and gently patted on Ye Qianyue's fat-like cheeks, adding a bit of girlish softness to that already charming face.

With outstanding demeanor, Ye Qianyue's beautiful appearance can not only fascinate all the men in the world, but also make women can't bear to be attracted by her.

"Miss, you are really beautiful!"

"Xiaoyue is naturally the most beautiful. With such a beautiful bride, Si Linyuan must be so happy to see her from ear to ear."

Mo Zhu and Qing Lan were also taken over by Si Linyuan from the Canghe Continent, not only them, but also everyone from the Ye Family, all of them came.

Si Linyuan promised to give her the most perfect wedding, that's why he invited everyone here.

The company of family members, the blessings of friends, all of these are what Ye Qianyue longs for.

Si Linyuan really did not break his promise to her.

"Come on, Yue'er, let mother help you put on this pair of white jade earrings." At this moment, Mrs. Ye is also holding a pair of suet white jade earrings, and put them on Ye Qianyue's small ears.

Immediately, she became a little more graceful and luxurious, and there was a faint smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth, which was really beautiful.

Seeing Ye Qianyue like this, Mrs. Ye couldn't help being slightly startled, and then tears rolled out involuntarily.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue's brows and eyes are filled with intense happiness, her appearance and expression are exactly the same as her mother back then.

(End of this chapter)

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