Chapter 751: Great Wedding Joy 2
Thinking of her miserable sister, Madam Ye couldn't hold back her tears.

Knowing that Mrs. Ye must be in love with the scene, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Zhu and Qing Lan, and signaled them to leave first.

Naturally, they were all very discerning. Mo Zhu and Qing Lan exchanged glances, and immediately retreated together with the serving maids.

Suddenly, only Ye Qianyue and Mrs. Ye were left in the huge room.

"Mother, my marriage today is a happy event, you should be happy." Pulling Mrs. Ye to sit down, Ye Qianyue always had a gentle and beautiful smile on her lips.

"Si Linyuan is a good boy. If you can marry him, my mother is naturally happy for you." Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, Mrs. Ye lowered her eyes with some self-blame, "It's my mother's fault." , when mother sees you, she will think of her sister back then, you two are real mother and daughter, no matter in appearance or expression, they are so similar..."

Speaking of this, Madam Ye couldn't bear it any more, and the tears in her eyes burst out uncontrollably again, "If your own parents and mothers can see that you have today, they will definitely be very happy."

"Mother, I promise you, I will definitely find them." Reaching out and hugging Mrs. Ye tightly, Ye Qianyue's eyes also danced a little, "Mother, marrying Linyuan, I will marry you." I'm really happy that you can come, I'm even happier."

"Silly boy, no matter what time you are, you are my mother's heart." Madam Ye took a breath and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Okay, it's almost time, let's go Come on, don't make them wait."

Like Si Linyuan, Ye Rongtian and the others cannot come here, but can only wait for them to pass in the hall.

She nodded with a smile at the moment, Ye Qianyue was about to call Qinglan and the others in, but she saw Mingxiu's figure first.

"Ah Yue..." Just standing at the door, Mingxiu didn't rush in abruptly, but was completely stunned by Ye Qianyue's beauty at the moment. It's a beautiful day."

"Thank you." After hearing Mingxiu's words, Ye Qianyue saw him standing at the door, neither walking nor coming in, but still looking at herself, her mind moved slightly, "Mingxiu, if you have anything to say, why don't you come in?"

"No need, I'll wait for you in the main hall." Said, Mingxiu looked at Ye Qianyue with deep blessing in his eyes, "Ah Yue, you will be happy."

"Well, I think so too." Smiling and nodding to Mingxiu, Ye Qianyue turned around and left directly after watching Mingxiu finished speaking.

As someone who has experienced it, Mrs. Ye can see everything, she understands it immediately, and then shakes her head with a bit of helplessness.

Just like my sister, a woman like Ye Qianyue will inevitably attract countless peach blossoms...

"Mo Zhu, Qing Lan, come in quickly, we should go." Naturally, she would not speak out, Madam Ye said to the direction outside the door.

"Here we come!" After waiting at the door for quite a while, Qinglan Mo Zhu hurriedly walked in with a smile, and tacitly tugged Ye Qianyue's long skirt.

They are all in beautiful crimson, Qing Lan and Mo Zhu today are Ye Qianyue's bridesmaids.

"Okay, the auspicious time has come, let's go." Reaching out to support Ye Qianyue, Madam Ye also had a moving smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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