Chapter 752: Great Wedding Joy 3
The group of four walked out of the gate of the palace just like that, but unexpectedly, as soon as they went out, they would meet the three Ye Jingli brothers with excited faces.

"Our little moon is really beautiful today." Ye Qianfeng had already recovered his health. Looking at his beautiful sister who looked like a fairy, Ye Qianfeng admired him sincerely.

"Of course, Xiaoyue must be the most beautiful!" Ye Yunxiao also had a happy face, and then leaned to Ye Qianyue's side and whispered to Ye Qianyue, "Xiaoyue, if you are wronged in the future, even Come to look for Second Brother, when the time comes, I will beat up Si Linyuan for you, and I will definitely not let you be bullied by him."

"I think it's too late for my brother-in-law to feel sorry for my sister, so I won't bully my sister." Ye Jingli's handsome face was also full of smiles, and he put his hand around Ye Qianyue's arm, and said coquettishly, "Sister, I'm going with you."

"Okay." Looking at Ye Jingli, Ye Qianyue's dark eyebrows were also filled with a deep smile.

Soon they got into the sedan chair carried by 16 people, and Ye Qianyue followed a group of people mightily, walking towards the wedding hall together.

Numerous fiery red curtains hang down around the main hall, and the hall is even more joyous. Countless flowers are competing to bloom, and the petals of various colors are covered with fiery red carpets. One can tell at a glance that they have been carefully prepared.

"Auspicious time-"

Accompanied by this sound, Si Linyuan, who had been impatient for a long time, immediately turned his head to look with some excitement.

Today's Si Linyuan is also dressed in a fiery red dazzling wedding dress, with a golden dragon painted on his chest, which makes him look a bit more domineering.

His handsome face is even more perfect than that of a god. Si Linyuan's golden eyes are noble, and his figure is tall and straight with a hint of self-confidence. But without losing a touch of natural charm.

Those eyes, which were originally excited, became even hotter the moment they saw Ye Qianyue!

Slowly coming step by step, Ye Qianyue lowered her eyebrows, but she was so beautiful.

Already unable to restrain his excitement at all, Si Linyuan stepped forward in a few strides, immediately took Ye Qianyue's hand, and sincerely praised, "Ah Yue, you are really the most beautiful in the world!" bride."

"You are also the most beautiful groom." Looking at Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue also felt genuinely happy.

"Okay, let's go and perform the prostration ceremony." Ye Qianfeng said so, and took Mrs. Ye to sit on the main seat first.

(Please support the original version of Tencent Yunqi Academy. Feier is still a pregnant woman, and the code words are really not easy. Please support the original version, thank you!)
Ye Rongtian, who was sitting on the main seat first, couldn't help but turn red, and said sincerely to Mrs. Ye, "Our Yue'er is really beautiful, and it's better than Si Linyuan. "

"It's the best for the children to be happy with each other." Seeing her always resolute husband's eyes turn red, Mrs. Ye knew that he was reluctant to part with Ye Qianyue, so she comforted her immediately, then reached out her hand and held it Ye Rongtian's hand.

"That's right, the most beautiful thing in the world is nothing more than a pleasing relationship." Looking at his beloved wife sitting next to him, Ye Rongtian smiled and said.

And here, Ye Qianyue, supported by Si Linyuan's smiling face, came in front of Ye Rongtian and the others.

Si Linyuan had no father or mother, and Ye Qianyue's parents were his parents.

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(End of this chapter)

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