Chapter 753: Great Wedding Joy 4
"Certificate, one kowtow, one obeisance to heaven and earth—" Qianying shouted loudly with a smile written all over her usually indifferent face.

The hall was full of the emperor's relatives, civil and military ministers from Asura City, all of whom were seated at the moment, watching Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue worship the heaven and the earth together with smiles on their faces.

It is no longer like it was at the beginning, holding complete prejudice against Ye Qianyue, and now everyone has incomparable respect for Ye Qianyue.

If their king is the most perfect man in the world, then Ye Qianyue is the most perfect woman in the world. Such a pair of people standing together is the real match made by nature, a match made in heaven.

Although Ye Qianyue is from the Canghe Continent, she is not inferior to any woman from the outside to the inside. This woman is so powerful that she can even lead them to unify the entire floating island. Such a strange woman can have The strength and tenacity that no other woman possesses is enough to become their queen!
Because of the successful recovery of the Four Seas City and the Phoenix City, everyone's contempt for Ye Qianyue at the beginning turned into respect.

Ye Qianyue is a truly powerful strongman, and deserves their respect and support!
"Two kowtows, two obeisances—"

Turning around with a smile, Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue had happy smiles on their faces. They immediately turned around and knelt down to the high-ranking Ye Rongtian and his wife, and made a big gift together.

Needless to say, Mrs. Ye, watching her daughter get married, even someone like Ye Rongtian who has experienced a lot of wind and waves, can't help but turn red along with her.

"Take good care of my daughter." Ye Rongtian looked at Si Linyuan and asked sincerely.

"Father, don't worry, I will give everything I have and take good care of Ah Yue." After answering this sentence seriously, Si Linyuan's gilt golden eyes danced with a serious light, and the word was extremely firm. A pause.

"Okay, you two get up quickly." Mrs. Ye also showed a gratified smile when she heard the words, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief in her hand, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, mother." Standing up with a smile, Qianying's voice came again soon.

"Three kowtows, husband and wife bow to each other—"

Turning to face his beloved, Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue and felt that he was so lucky.

The most beautiful thing in this world is to be able to stay with the woman you love forever and love you forever.

Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan who was smiling over there, and she could guess what he was thinking for the first time, and she also smiled at the moment, and saluted Si Linyuan to each other.

"Licheng, send it to the bridal chamber—!"

Accompanied by Qianying's words, everyone in the hall applauded with blessings.

At that moment, Qing Lan and Mo Zhu who were chuckling were sent to the luxurious hall. Ye Qianyue thought that Si Linyuan would have to wait a while before coming over, but she didn't expect her to enter the gate of the palace. Si Linyuan followed him in.

Seeing Si Linyuan's handsome and upright figure at a glance, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing and said, "Linyuan, why did you come here so quickly?"

Logically speaking, Si Linyuan should have had a drink with the guests outside and waited until evening to come here. It's still early in the day, why did he come here so soon?
(End of this chapter)

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