Chapter 754: Great Wedding Joy 5
However, Si Linyuan did not answer, but stared straight at Ye Qianyue with those extremely fiery eyes.

Just a look is enough to guess what the other person is thinking, and Ye Qianyue understands immediately, and then a touch of excitement can't help but appear in the dark eyes.

"Qinglan, Mo Zhu, please go out and guard the door, don't let anyone come over, and we need to make trouble in the bridal chamber." Ye Qianyue's voice was very soft, with a faint smile.

At first, they didn't realize what was going on. It wasn't until Mo Zhu and the two saw Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue looking at each other with fiery eyes that they suddenly thought of something. Everyone blushed, then hurriedly nodded and backed out.

Almost at the moment when the two of Mo Zhu closed the door, Si Linyuan rushed forward with restraint, and then pulled Ye Qianyue into his arms, and then hugged Ye Qianyue heavily. , firmly kissed the soft lips that made him dream.

The moment the lips and petals were pressed together, there was a frenzy and enthusiasm. The other party's desire!
Almost crazily looking for warmth on each other's body, Ye Qianyue and Ye Qianyue just kissed each other, but they almost melted into each other's body.

"Ah Yue, I. Want. You." After a long time, I finally parted from Ye Qianyue's lips with reluctance, and Si Linyuan's voice contained a hint of emotional hoarseness, which was so pleasant that it almost made people trembling.

At that moment, a faint smile appeared, and Ye Qianyue took off the seemingly cumbersome headdress without hesitation after hearing the words.

Putting the headgear on the table aside, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes were also filled with, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

There was a hint of coquettishness and anger in the words. Hearing that, Si Linyuan's golden eyes suddenly became frenzied, and then he embraced his beloved woman without hesitation. , striding towards the direction where the bed... the couch is...

At the moment, the room is full of beautiful... spring and night, which makes people daydream and have boundless imagination...

Originally, they wanted to come over and make trouble in the bridal chamber, so as to embarrass Si Linyuan's three Ye family brothers, but Qing Lan and Mo Zhu insisted on blocking the door.

"You can't enter, you can't enter if you say anything!" Mo Zhu's small face was flushed, blocking the three of them firmly.

Ye Jingli is a monkey spirit, he laughed immediately, and then the blue lightning surged out of his body, quickly bypassed Mo Zhu, and rushed directly towards the direction of the door.

"Didn't you say you can't enter!" Qing Lan was also very embarrassed, quickly stopped Ye Jingli, raised her hand, and slapped his ass hard, threatening in a low voice , "If you rush in and disturb the good things of your sister and brother-in-law, let's see if your brother-in-law will pick your skin off!"

After hearing Qing Lan's words, Ye Qianfeng and Ye Yunxiao, who were originally booing, suddenly understood, and then froze in place as if they had been struck by lightning.

"This guy, is he in such a hurry to get angry!?" Ye Yunxiao, a rough guy with red faces, roared angrily.

Ye Qianfeng on the side was also embarrassed, coughed twice in a hurry, and then quickly waved to Ye Jingli, "Xiao Li, come here quickly, we are going back."

(End of this chapter)

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