Chapter 755: Great Wedding Joy 6
"Ah? Why do you want to go back! I haven't gone in here to see it yet!" Ye Jingli was very young and pure. Hearing the movement from the palace, he frowned in wonder, "Sister and their bed. .Is the quality not so good, why is it always creaking, creaking, creaking?"

"Pfft, cough cough—!" Ye Yunxiao almost choked to death with his mouthful of saliva, and couldn't stand it any longer. Regardless of Ye Jingli's persistent resistance, he picked him up directly, and then met Ye Qian Feng walked away in despair.

Stopping the troublesome three brothers, Qing Lan and Mo Zhu couldn't stay any longer, after seeing each other's rosy cheeks, they also hurriedly blush and bowed their heads, and ran away as if fleeing.

However, the two people in the hall who have been completely integrated into one group have no intention of caring about what happened outside, and they are still in the sky, thunder, hook, earth, fire, and they are out of control...

The provocative night ended like this. When Qianyue woke up the next night, she felt that all the bones in her body were about to fall apart.

In her previous life, she had never done such a thing that made people blush and heartbeat. Ye Qianyue snuggled into Si Linyuan's warm embrace, a blush appeared on her face, but the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitched into a smile. .

There was a strong sweetness in the smile, and Ye Qianyue felt unprecedented happiness at this moment.

This feeling of happiness made her feel like she was stepping on soft cotton, and her heart overflowed with warmth.

"Ah Yue, are you awake?" Apparently Ye Qianyue woke up step by step first, Si Linyuan's voice was extremely gentle, and the big hands on Ye Qianyue's soft, soft, waist, and limbs gently stroked. Touching Ye Qianyuebai's tender skin, he asked with some distress, "Does it still hurt?"

Seeing that Si Linyuan asked so directly, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but rubbed her soft hair against Si Linyuan's chest, "You, you are really capable of tossing..."

The soft voice seemed to be coquettish, coupled with Ye Qianyue's actions like a kitten at the moment, almost made Si Linyuan hold back.

"Don't. Light it up. Otherwise, I can't help it." As he said this, Si Linyuan's movements were extremely gentle, and he reached out and picked Ye Qianyue's chin, and gave Ye Qianyue a slap. her a tender kiss.

"I worked hard last night, but it's not enough?" Ye Qianyue looked at Si Linyuan, and really felt that Si Linyuan's physical strength was too good!

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan narrowed his eyes dangerously, then lowered his head and put it next to Ye Qianyue's ear, exhaling hotly on Ye Qianyue's small and delicate ear, It made her tremble slightly, "Before I was hungry for so long, and now I finally got married. Of course, I want to fuck and eat every night. I can't stop..."

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing. Just as she was about to have a kiss with Si Linyuan, she heard a cautious and nervous knock on the door.

"Master, something happened."

Knowing that it was Qianying's voice, the warm nostalgia in Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue's hearts disappeared instantly, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"My lord came to me just now and asked if I had seen the young master. He said that the young master came to look for the queen this morning, but he never came back." Qianying outside the door quickly replied.

(End of this chapter)

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