Chapter 762 I Owe You A Favor

"What on earth do you want?" Knowing that Qi Che is mysterious and powerful all along, Ye Qianyue doesn't think that this man came to her specially just to have such nonsense with her.

But after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the smile on Qi Che's face didn't diminish at all, instead it was brilliant, "Of course I'm here to help you."

"What?" She never expected that Qi Che would say that. Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che's clear peach blossom eyes, and couldn't guess what was going on in the man's mind for a while, so she could only say coldly, "I am yours." enemy."

"You are the enemy of the temple and have nothing to do with me." As he said that, Qi Che looked straight at Ye Qianyue with a full smile on his face, "You are the enemy of the temple, not mine, Instead, I helped you, and the two of us might still be friends."

"You mean, you're here to help me?" Seeing the seriousness in Qi Che's eyes, Ye Qianyue knew that this man was not lying.

But why would he do this?
"Aren't you looking for your younger brother? I came here this time to tell you where your younger brother is now." While talking, Qi Che casually picked up a key and shook it around. "By the way, I brought you the key to your brother's cage. I have done my best for you, and you still doubt me?"

"Qi Che, what is your purpose?" From the first time she saw Qi Che, Ye Qianyue realized that this man was very difficult to deal with, not to mention getting any benefits from him, as long as she could Standing in front of this man and not being seen through by him is already extremely difficult.

Not denying Ye Qianyue's words, Qi Che was a little lazy, and then the corners of his bright red lips evoked an intoxicating smile, "If I want to talk about the purpose, naturally I want you to owe me a favor..."

Seeing Qi Che's seriousness, Ye Qianyue said sincerely, "You are such a freak."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's evaluation of herself, Qi Che not only didn't get angry, but the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened even more, "Come on, this is the key to the cage. I advise you to accept it, otherwise you'd better accept it in this magnetic field." Excuse me, when you find your brother, he must have been tortured to death by that woman Younina." Qi Che even shook the key in his hand.

"Younina is with Xiaoli now?!" Qi Che's words made Ye Qianyue instantly alert, and without thinking, she stepped forward a few steps and grabbed the key without hesitation. Said, "I owe you a favor."

"I will get this favor back in the future." Qi Che looked at Ye Qianyue and nodded to himself with satisfaction, then gestured to a huge rock not far away with his eyes in a good mood, "Then The boulder is actually a space lock, and with this key, you can reach your brother's place."

"Thank you." Although I knew that Qi Che had plans in his heart, but without his help, Ye Qianyue would not have been able to find Ye Jingli so easily, so this due thanks is still indispensable.

Seeing Ye Qianyue rushing towards the boulder without hesitation after thanking her, Qi Che smiled softly, then turned around and left this place of right and wrong.

Not thinking about whether Qi Che stayed or walked away at all, Ye Qianyue was extremely fast, and quickly sent the key into a very inconspicuous keyhole on the boulder.

(End of this chapter)

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