Chapter 763 You Ugly Monster

Immediately, there was only a muffled 'click', followed by a force of space that was hidden very deeply slowly seeping out from the boulder.

Sure enough, there is a hidden secret door!It seems that Qi Che really didn't lie to her!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue quickly turned her head and took a look. After noticing Qi Che's figure again, she directly entered the space behind the boulder.

Immediately, with the rotation of the body, the scenery in front of Ye Qianyue's eyes also underwent an earth-shattering and huge change in an instant.

A huge underground prison suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qianyue, and the long corridor led to nowhere.

There are countless cages on both sides of the corridor, a small part of the cages is empty, but inside most of them, there are countless white human bones.

At this moment, there was a muffled 'pop' not far in front of Ye Qianyue.

Hearing that this was the muffled sound left by the whip whipping on the flesh, Ye Qianyue suddenly became more vigilant in her heart, and continued to walk forward without hesitation.

But at this moment, a scolding sound mixed with strong anger suddenly came.

"It was you who beat you! Who told you that you were the younger brother of that bitch Ye Qianyue, I'm going to beat you to death today!" Completely different from the condescending image she pretended to be in the past, Yunina at this moment was tightly Holding the leather whip in his hand, looking very ferocious, he swung the leather whip in his hand fiercely, hitting Ye Jingli's small figure.

Obviously, he has been tortured by You Nina for a long time, Ye Jingli's clothes are all torn at this moment, but there are large and small welts all over Ye Jingli's body, which doesn't look thin.

"Hmph, you ugly bastard, if you have the ability, unlock my mind lock, and I will definitely beat you to bloom!" Ye Jingli had a dark ring around his neck, which emitted The strange energy in Ye Jingli's body was just able to suppress the thought power in Ye Jingli's body, making him unable to resist Younina.

When Younina heard that Ye Jingli called herself ugly, she was so angry that she was about to die, "You damn little bastard, I'm going to beat you to death today!"

She was so angry that she was about to go crazy, Yunina put down the leather whip in her hand fiercely as she said that, a long whip with thought power was directly condensed in her hand, and it was even more sharply whipped towards Ye Jingli !

She was so frightened that she closed her eyes immediately, but Ye Jingli didn't wait for the expected pain, but instead heard Younina's sharp scream with a changed tone.


Accompanied by Younina's painful scream, Ye Jingli opened his eyes cautiously, and immediately saw Ye Qianyue who was full of evil spirit and cold.

A direct kick kicked Yunina, who was still triumphant a second ago, to the ground. Ye Qianyue's whole body was as cold as a goddess transformed from killing, and her delicate face was full of ferocious and terrifying murderous aura!
"Sister!" A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and Ye Jingli really looked at Ye Qianyue over there in surprise and joy.

"Xiao Li!" Seeing Ye Jingli who was tightly tied up, Ye Qianyue rushed up anxiously and quickly untied Ye Jingli.

"Sister, you're here!" Always convinced that Ye Qianyue would come to save her, Ye Jingli was untied, and excitedly threw herself into Ye Qianyue's arms, but unexpectedly, her movements were too big. Big, all of a sudden it was involved in the large and small hideous wounds on his body, and the pain made him grin his teeth all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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