Chapter 770

The movement was slow and distorted, and the large and small injuries on the high priest's body were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The misplaced and broken bones gradually returned to their original positions, and even the scorched black on his body quickly returned to its original normal color.

It's just that after returning to the color of skin and flesh, a layer of crystal blue crystals quickly condensed on the surface of the high priest's skin, faintly beating out bursts of strange light.

Clearly feeling the extremely vigorous vitality contained in the crystallization, Ye Qianyue was a little surprised and stared at the high priest carefully.

Ye Qianyue never imagined that the high priest could possess such a very special vitality just like herself.

It's just that Ye Qianyue's vitality is the embodiment of purity, which can heal life, while the vitality of the high priest has a faint taste of plunder.

It seems to be a power condensed after plundering the vitality of many people, with a trace of resentment, which makes people feel unhappy.

But she clearly remembered that the high priest absorbed her own energy just now, and Ye Qianyue stared at the high priest cautiously, not daring to underestimate him in the slightest.

If the high priest can really absorb human energy, then it will be a bit tricky.

Vitality energy can be different from other energies.

No matter what kind of powerful master it is, as long as there is no vitality in the body, it must be a dead end!
And here, the crystal blue crystals on the High Priest's body had covered most of the corners of his body, leaving only the chest and arm on the left side still with normal skin color.

One side of the face was covered with crystal blue crystals, and the aura of the high priest became ethereal and thicker accordingly. The unpleasant eyes full of aggression and bloodthirsty fell on him without hesitation. On the body of Ye Qianyue over there.

There is a trace of bloodthirsty desire in the greed, the high priest at this moment is like a hungry beast with red eyes, and there is a trace of fierceness that cannot be concealed...

Seeing the high priest staring at Ye Qianyue with such eyes, a dangerous light flashed across Si Linyuan's eyes, and he immediately took a step forward, reaching out his hand to block Ye Qianyue.

"If you dare to look around again, I'll take out your eyes." After a word, Si Linyuan tightly protected Ye Qianyue behind him. Hao did not shy away from falling on the high priest over there.

The golden eyes were extremely noble, and the icy murderous intent rolling out of them was like a wave, which made the high priest over there tremble involuntarily.

After the trembling, the high priest immediately came back to his senses, and even his face showed a bit of wild beast-like fury.

"This is the site of our temple, no one is allowed to be presumptuous! What's more, you took the initiative to take action at the beginning, so don't blame this priest for not being sympathetic!" At that moment, the high priest said such a sentence with cold eyes. Soon he raised his hand and turned it over, and a gorgeous gemstone appeared in his hand immediately.

The fiery breath quickly diffused out, and the spar in front of him continuously released dazzling light, it was the phoenix soul flint.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, Ye Qianyue looked at the high priest, and thought that the high priest was planning to use this phoenix soul flint in front of her, right?
(End of this chapter)

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