Chapter 771
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's lips immediately evoked a cold smile.

"Hmph, if you continue, you won't be proud for long!" Seeing Ye Qianyue's smile, the high priest let out a disdainful cold snort.

Although there is no Fire Dragon Crystal, the energy contained in the Phoenix Soul Fire Stone is also not small, enough to fight against Si Linyuan's Dragon Fire!
As long as he can use the energy in the phoenix soul flint, the high priest will be able to withstand Si Linyuan's fierce attack. At that time, he can directly absorb the vitality of Si Linyuan's body!

Thinking that as long as he can successfully absorb Si Linyuan's power, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. The high priest immediately squinted his eyes fiercely, and then turned his eyes immediately. The greedy eyes soon fell to the ground. On the body of Ye Qianyue here.

There was a lot of greed in that unpleasant sight, the high priest couldn't wait to turn Ye Qianyue into his cauldron!

If such a superb woman can use her as his cauldron, he can play with her and absorb the energy in her body at the same time, it is really a great thing!
And seeing the high priest take out the Phoenix Soul Flint, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan both guessed what he was going to do next, and their eyes rolled with sneer.

"Ah Yue, let me do it first." Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue very tenderly and smiled softly, not wanting Ye Qianyue to get his hands dirty because of garbage like the High Priest.

"I'll help you when I see the right time." Ye Qianyue said with a smile, liking Si Linyuan's way of loving her infinitely.

Hearing this, Si Linyuan immediately smiled at Ye Qianyue, then turned his head, with a murderous look on his face, and looked at the high priest over there coldly.

What was waiting was Si Linyuan. Seeing this, the high priest let out a soft hum from his throat, and then quickly flashed his figure, and rushed towards Si Linyuan at an almost terrifying speed.

Looking coldly at the high priest's almost death-seeking action, Si Linyuan's eyes contained a hint of sarcasm. When he raised his hand, a thick and hot thought force suddenly condensed on the palm of his hand, shaking the space. Thin and dense cracks, with a full sense of oppression, slapped the high priest's chest fiercely.

Feeling the chilling and terrifying breath almost instantly, the hairs on the High Priest's body trembled uncontrollably!
Sure enough, the lord of Shura City is not an idler!

Thinking of this in his heart, the high priest's eyes seemed to freeze with a layer of vigilance, and he raised his crystal-encased palm without hesitation, and instantly met Si Linyuan's palm.

When the two palms collided together, a gust of wind howled immediately, and almost instantly, the frenzied aura flowed down the high priest's arm and ruthlessly poured into his body.

There was a muffled sound from the crystals covering his arms, and the high priest's heart trembled involuntarily, and then he retreated back very nervously.

He clearly knew that he was not Si Linyuan's opponent, and the high priest knew even more that if it weren't for the protection of the spar, Si Linyuan's blow just now was enough to shake his arm into nothingness!
Thinking of this, the hairs on the back of the high priest stood on end!

(End of this chapter)

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