The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 775 It's boring, stop playing

Chapter 775 It's boring, stop playing

Like a goblin formed by thousands of flowers, the corner of the woman's mouth was full of a charming smile, and the group of men in the casino who watched showed greedy expressions.

However, none of these stupid men dared to take a step forward, even if they wanted to get drunk at the woman's feet.

The woman is indeed moving, however, behind her are two handsome men, one is cold and evil, the other is as cold as ice, both of them have awe-inspiring aura, guarding this charming woman, as if someone stepped forward, They will be easily killed by these two people!

Although a beautiful woman is good, her life is also very precious, so even if everyone in the room felt itchy and unbearable, none of them dared to really send her to seek death. They could only look at the woman secretly and pass Eye craving.

With such a grand pomp and momentum, two beautiful men stand behind him willingly to be his bodyguards. With such a charm, who else can there be besides Ye Qianyue?
As for the great god standing behind Ye Qianyue, it was naturally Si Linyuan and Mingxiu.

A frightening amount of silver bill was held between her onion-like fingers, Ye Qianyue raised her hand, and immediately placed it lightly on the table.

"Big pressure."

The voice is pleasant like a hook that seduces people into committing crimes. Ye Qianyue's slow-moving demeanor is vaguely languid. The men around her are extremely excited, and they follow Ye Qianyue without hesitation. place a bet.

Although they don't know who this beautiful woman is, everyone knows that this beautiful woman is very good at gambling. She has never lost since she entered the door, and her betting money has doubled and multiplied. Piles of money were piled up beside her, and they had already piled up into a small treasure mountain!
But after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the person in charge of rolling the dice was so frightened that his face was covered with sweat, and then tremblingly opened the gu tube.

The numbers were indeed big numbers, which made everyone in an uproar. Seeing the tears on the faces of the casino staff, they continued to push the white money to Ye Qianyue in distress.

Seeing so much money, Ye Qianyue seemed to feel that there was no challenge anymore, she casually raised her hand, put the money into her pocket, and then, under the almost pleading eyes of the staff, showed mercy Said, "It's boring, don't play anymore."

"Thank you, miss, thank you, miss!" After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the staff of the casino was so grateful that they almost didn't kneel down for her, and almost spread a red carpet to send Ye Qianyue out.

Don't blame the staff for being too exaggerated, but that Ye Qianyue's few wins almost took away their profits for nearly three months, which is simply terrible!

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Ye Qianyue came out of the casino, looking unsatisfied, "The casinos on Lingyun Continent are nothing special, and they are no different from those on Canghe Continent."

After Ye Qianyue settled all the members of the Ye family, she came to Lingyun Continent.

Compared to Canghe Continent, Lingyun Continent is obviously more affluent. Even the people who buy vegetables on the street are not weak, but the places to play are no different.

For example, the casino Ye Qianyue went to was really not challenging.

This time in Lingyun Continent, Ye Qianyue came to find her real mother and father.

Knowing that her mother has an inseparable relationship with the Su family, Ye Qianyue also knows that the Su family is also one of the best families in Lingyun Continent after all, and it is definitely not an easy matter to take away the prostitute daughter of their family.

(End of this chapter)

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