The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 776 Her 'Old Friend'

Chapter 776 Her 'Old Friend'

The lottery draw officially begins on the 15th~~
For the top 10 on the weekly list, please leave a message on QQ for Feier. After checking, Feier will add your QQ and recharge 1000 book coins as a prize~~
Starting from the 15th and ending on the 22nd, please hurry up and leave a message for the top ten of today's weekly list. !

For those who are not selected this time, don’t be discouraged. In the future, Concubine will hold lucky draws from time to time!
Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, Ye Qianyue also inquired about some news about the Su family along the way.

Naturally, the members of the Su family are not easy to mess with, so for Ye Qianyue, those trivial news are of no use.

I thought that going to a place with a lot of confidence like a casino would give me something, but unexpectedly, it was still so disappointing.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's gloomy expression, Si Linyuan immediately put his arms around Ye Qianyue's soft waist, "The Su family has always been the most mysterious, and it is not a simple matter to find out about your mother. Simple things."

With that said, Si Linyuan continued, "We've been playing all morning, let's take a good rest and leave Liucheng tomorrow. Don't draw too much attention."

Knowing what Si Linyuan meant, Ye Qianyue nodded immediately.

Why not attract attention? Naturally, this Liucheng is the territory of her 'old friend' Situ family.

The Situ family is best at refining medicine, and Liucheng is close to the World of Warcraft Forest, so they need all kinds of medicine the most.

Especially the World of Warcraft forest near Liucheng is quite special. There are large and small craters all over it, and the fire poison is strong. If people stay in the forest for a long time, people will be poisoned and become very violent. Situ's family has a kind of A good potion can alleviate this kind of fire poison. Although the price is not cheap, it is still dominant.

Although I also heard that the Yao family in Liucheng was not the Situ family, but this has nothing to do with Ye Qianyue, and she doesn't like to care about it.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Ye Qianyue and the Situ family is quite deep. If someone from the Situ family is provoked here, it will inevitably be troublesome. For this reason, Ye Qianyue also feels that it is better for them to keep a low profile.

Agreeing with Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue and his party immediately returned to the inn where they stayed.

He casually ordered some food and went upstairs, the three of Ye Qianyue had a full meal, and went out for a stroll in the afternoon, but still failed to get any useful news.

It is estimated that there will be no useful news in Liucheng, Ye Qianyue and the three simply rested early at night, thinking about leaving Liucheng tomorrow morning.

However, the night was dark and windy, and under the silver-white moonlight, several figures rushed out quickly, and soon approached the inn where Ye Qianyue and the three lived.

They were all resting quietly in their own rooms, and the three of Ye Qianyue seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

Quietly came to the door of Ye Qianyue's room, the man in black outside the door lowered his voice immediately, "Have you confirmed, are you asleep?"

"This inn is our family's property. What's the difficulty in ordering some medicine? Don't worry, I've already told you that their dinner not only contains drugs for hypnotism, but also drugs that can control thoughts. Absolutely nothing will go wrong!" And soon, another person replied with confidence.

After hearing this, the rest of the men in black seemed relieved, and then gently pushed open the door.

There was a soft 'creak' sound from the door, and all the figures quickly entered the room where Ye Qianyue was.

Then the faint moonlight came from outside the window, and the people in black immediately saw Ye Qianyue who was facing the bed and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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