Chapter 777 is not an opponent at all
The slender back looks very beautiful and intriguing.

However, these people present had no intention of admiring Ye Qianyue's soft and beautiful back at all.

Instead, he quickly condensed two sharp long swords in his hands with the power of his thoughts. Two of the men in black took a step forward together. The long swords in their hands were aimed at Ye Qianyue's back fiercely. To stab.

However, before the two sharp long swords of mind power fell, Ye Qianyue, who was lying on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, suddenly let out a chuckle full of strong mockery, "Such a low-level The assassination is really ridiculous."

The clear and cold voice was full of murderous intent, and there was no trace of sleepiness in it, which made the hearts of the men in black present all 'thump' in unison!
At the same time, the gorgeous phoenix soul fire with fiery red and gold swept out instantly, together with the long sword of thought power, directly burned the two men in black into nothingness!
Seeing that his two companions were burned into air before they could even utter a scream, the remaining three all felt the approach of death, and the super queen violent Take a step back.

I think the strength of those two people is at the level of Nian Zun, and they are not weak in themselves, but they were instantly killed by Ye Qianyue, which is really terrible!
And when the three of them were extremely alert, the oil lamps in the room were quickly lit.

"People from the Situ family are really pestering people. They dare to come to the door again and again. They are courting death." Si Linyuan and Si Linyuan, who were supposed to be in the other two rooms, did not know when they came here. There was an icy look on his face.

"You, why are you here?!" It was completely unexpected that Si Linyuan and Mingxiu would be in Ye Qianyue's room at the same time, let alone that the three of them had already prepared everything from the very beginning. Waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap!

Thinking of this, the three of them trembled under their feet, tearing apart the space without even thinking about it, and escaped from this terrifying place!

Where would such an opportunity be given to these three people, when Si Linyuan raised his hand, the entire space around him was locked tightly, leaving no chance for these three people to escape here!
"Are you only allowed to come to your door, and we are not allowed to sit here and wait for rabbits?" There was a little cold light in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue, who was wearing a snow-white underwear, turned her head slowly, her long black hair was scattered behind her, It reveals a bit of soul-stirring beauty.

Like a snow-white rose in the dark night, its beauty reveals deadly danger without hesitation, making people tremble involuntarily.

Looking at what these people were wearing on their chests, it was the family crest of the Situ family. Ye Qianyue's dark eyes were filled with frost-like coldness.

"Say, who from Situ's family sent you here?" Ye Qianyue asked coldly with a slight movement of her bright red thin lips.

I just feel that Ye Qianyue is very scary at this moment, and the three men in black also know that they are not the opponents of Ye Qianyue and the others at the same time!
With Ye Qianyue's random shot, she can instantly kill two Nian Zun powerhouses among them, not to mention that their strength is similar to those two, so even if they stack up, Ye Qianyue is not alone opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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