Chapter 778 On whom is it placed?
Not to mention, the strength of Si Linyuan and Mingxiu is three points more terrifying than Ye Qianyue's!

"I, we are not..." Ye Qianyue's cold eyes could almost see through people directly, causing one of them to speak tremblingly.

However, that person opened his mouth to say a few words of nonsense, and Ye Qianyue raised his eyebrows slowly.

I saw Ye Qianyue's onion-like fingers tap lightly in the air, and the man in black who spoke just now seemed to be strangled by someone's neck, and his face was like a boiled prawn The general instant redness!

A painful scream came from his throat, the man in black first covered his chest, and then screamed, the fiery red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire directly drilled out of his heart, piercing through him instantly. His whole chest.

With a muffled sound, a huge scorched black hole appeared in the chest of the man in black. He fell to the ground like a rag, and lost his breath in an instant!
Watching the scene in front of them in horror, the remaining two men in black turned pale with fright!

Clearly feeling the approach of death, the two men in black heard Mingxiu's cold voice, faintly, "Answer the questions you should answer, if you dare to say more nonsense, you will die!"

Sensing the murderous intent in Mingxiu's tone, the two men in black robes became even more afraid and nervous, "Yes, they are the head of the Liucheng branch, Situ Liu..."

"Very good." After hearing the answer she wanted, Ye Qianyue finally showed a smile that seemed very satisfied, and then quickly asked with a smile, "I remember, your Situ family is in Liucheng, and you rely on the practice You made a fortune from medicine, right? Especially the heart-cleaning potion you refined, I heard that it can best clear away the fire poison contained in the surrounding Warcraft Mountains..."

A soft sentence made the two men in black even more frightened. They didn't know why Ye Qianyue asked these questions...

Naturally, she would not tell the people in black what she was thinking. Ye Qianyue then seemed to have thought of something, and gently narrowed her eyes, "Tell me, whose prescription is the medicine for clearing the heart?" body?"

"This, this we don't know..." Looking at Ye Qianyue, one of the men in black replied tremblingly.

"Oh? I don't know, you still dare to speak?" Ye Qianyue waved her hand lightly as she said, "If you don't know, don't talk."

"No, don't...ah!!" Seeing Ye Qianyue lazily waving her hands, the man in black trembled like sifting chaff, and then a shrill scream erupted from his throat !
Seeing that his last companion was pierced through his entire chest and died directly in front of him, the last man in black really felt the approach of death!

At this moment, he completely ignored so much, and the man in black knelt down in front of Ye Qianyue, kowtowing to her like crazy, but he was too afraid to say a word of begging for mercy.

"Answer my question." Ye Qianyue's tone was cold.

"Yes, on the head of the family." The man in black replied tremblingly, fearing that it would be his turn soon.

"You performed very well." The smile on the face was bright and moving, but the killing intent in Ye Qianyue's eyes did not dissipate in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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