Where did Chapter 786 come from?

Soon the Pill Beast appeared, and the breath of the potion itself was slowly released.

Seeing an emerald-colored flood dragon pill that looked very soft at first glance appearing in the sky above Ye Qianyue, everyone present widened their eyes in shock.

"My God, it's a Pill Beast!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled such a sentence, everyone knows that the highest grade of medicinal materials that Ye Qianyue used just now is not bad, only the fifth grade. Logically speaking, the fifth grade medicinal materials can only be refined into fifth grade potions. And with this level of potion, it is impossible for Pill Beasts to appear! !

"Seventh grade, it's a seventh grade potion!" Once again, he stood up from his original position with a face of shock. At this moment, Huo Qitian was so surprised that he couldn't make any other reactions at all. While refining the medicine, Qian Yue raised her hand very calmly.

I saw a blazing phoenix soul fire shot out quickly, and then instantly burned the alchemy beast that was not strong in attack power into nothingness!

Seeing Ye Qianyue wipe out a seventh-rank pill beast so simply by raising her hand, there was an uproar in the audience!

Everyone didn't expect that Ye Qianyue could instantly kill a seventh-rank pill beast so easily!
Thinking that the strength of the Pill Beast is similar to that of a real Warcraft, Ye Qianyue killed it in seconds, could it be that her own strength is also very against the sky?

After thinking of this, everyone looked at Ye Qianyue with a little more horror in their eyes.

While practicing alchemy, she can also make herself so strong, so, where did this woman come from?It must be too scary!
Amidst the uproarious and shocked discussions of the crowd, Ye Qianyue quickly divided the medicinal liquid of the medicine cauldron into countless parts, and after putting all of them into the jade bottle, she conveniently put most of the All the jade bottles were put away, and only one of them was sent to Huo Qitian and his son.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue was able to refine a seventh-grade potion with five-grade medicinal materials, Huo Qitian's heart can no longer be described in terms of surprise!

Shocking, really shocking! !
Looking at Ye Qianyue in a flying red dress over there, Huo Qitian took a deep breath, his tone full of awe, "Dare to ask Miss's name."

Hearing Huo Qitian's words, Ye Qianyue's face, which was originally all over the country, quickly evoked a glamorous smile.

With a bright smile, just as everyone was waiting for Ye Qianyue's answer, a wild laughter suddenly came from the air.

"Old man Huo, it's so lively here today, how can we miss our Situ family!"

Accompanied by that thick sound like a drum beating, the two figures were also like cannonballs, and they landed on the square in unison, instantly shattering the ground of the square, stirring up little bits of gravel, shaking those The hands of the pharmacists who were concentrating on refining the medicine all shook their hands, and then completely out of control, they directly burned the half-refined medicine in the medicine cauldron.


The alchemist was suddenly interrupted in the middle of refining, and the backlash from it was naturally not small. All the alchemists present at the moment spat out a mouthful of blood in unison, and their complexions became paler one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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