The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 787 The Huo family is finished

Chapter 787 The Huo family is finished

"Hehehe, I thought your Huo family had recruited someone this time, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that." After a woman's unique smile, two figures appeared in front of everyone before.

I saw a man and a woman in front of me. The woman was wearing a long bright red dress, but there was an unpleasant sarcasm on that cute doll face.

The man is [-] meters tall, with distinct muscles, dark skin, and a heavy figure like a moving human-shaped hill, and the culprit who smashed a deep hole in the ground of the square is obviously him. !
"Look, isn't that the only daughter of the head of the Situ family, Situ Xin!" Someone immediately recognized the woman's identity.

"And the number one thug of the Situ family, Shishan!"'

Hearing that he was also mentioned, the man named Shishan also had the same arrogance, a frivolous look of wanting to look at people with his nostrils.

Seeing that both of them were wearing Situ family's crest on their chests, a bloodthirsty and cruel smile soon appeared in Ye Qianyue's eyes...

But here, Situ Xin and the others didn't realize that they were being targeted at all, they were still arrogant, and looked at Huo Qitian and his son with raised eyebrows.

"Old man Huo, you dare not invite members of our Situ family despite holding a meeting without authorization. It seems that you are really impatient and want to force our Situ family to send you on your way earlier!" Situ Xin obviously agreed. He was used to being arrogant, but immediately let out a soft snort of disdain, and his arrogant gaze fell straight on Huo Qitian.

"Situ Xin, don't be too arrogant." Huo Qitian looked at Situ Xin and the two who were obviously coming to find fault, and their faces were equally unsightly. He coughed twice in a controlled manner.

Seeing Huo Qitian's weak appearance, Situ Xin and the two snickered.

"Old man, I advise you to be more sensible, so don't continue to fight against our Situ family!" Situ Xin's eyes were filled with strong disdain, and the almond eyes were even more cold. It's over, how dare a small family like you dare to fight against our Situ family? It's a big joke!"

"Situ Xin, don't think that your Situ family is really fearless! 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, one day, someone will look after you." Huo Fei supported Huo Qitian who was coughing, his eyes were cold. He moved and stared at Situ Xin coldly.

"Hmph, even if there is, that person is not you, Huo Fei!" Shi Shan also raised the corners of his mouth coldly, and then looked at Situ Xin, his eyes were full of flattery, "Miss, what kind of bullshit conference am I?" It's just a group of uninfluential people, and now that these people are injured, they can't refine anything, so let's go quickly, so as not to waste a lot of time here with the Huo family's poor fellows."

Hearing Shi Shan's words that contained strong sarcasm, Huo Fei narrowed his sharp eyes fiercely, and without thinking about it, he punched Shi Shan hard.

Waiting was waiting for Huo Fei to make the first move. Seeing this, Shi Shan smiled instead of anger. The dazzling smile on the corner of his mouth made Huo Qitian's heart tighten when he saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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