Chapter 788 Ruined it

"Fei'er, stop!" Huo Qitian's tense and hoarse voice brought Huo Fei back to his senses, and seeing Shishan's hard punch, he punched himself head-on.

Knowing that confronting Shi Shan head-on would not do him any good, Huo Fei quickly wanted to avoid it, but Shi Shan, who had finally found a chance, would not let this opportunity go easily.

"You little brat of the Huo family, go to hell!" With a ferocious sneer, Shi Shan had already landed a hard punch.

It was too late to dodge, just when Huo Fei was about to forcibly resist Shishan's punch, Huo Qitian ignored himself and stood in front of him.

"Father?!" Seeing Huo Qitian standing in front of him, Huo Fei's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he saw Shishan's punch landed hard on Huo Qitian's back.

"Pfft!" Two bones were smashed, Huo Qitian's weak body, how could he bear such a terrible punch from Shishan, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood ferociously!

"Bastard, I, Huo Fei, will never end with your Situ family today!" Huo Fei looked at Huo Qitian dying, and then raised his head with resentment, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Fei'er, you can't, you can't do anything reckless... Cough, cough, cough!" The body was already too weak, but now Shi Shan's punch almost killed Huo Qitian directly.

Huo Fei is the only son of the Huo family, if something happened to him, then the Huo family would really have no power to turn around!

"Patriarch Huo doesn't need to be so excited. We are here today just to see what kind of potion you can make from the people you recruited. Now it seems that birds of a feather really flock together. A family of trash can only attract these same trash There are so many people who can't even refine a bottle of potion, it's really embarrassing to say it." At the end, Situ Xin looked at Huo Qitian and his son's unwillingness with satisfaction, and said coldly. The corners of his lips were hooked mockingly.

"Eh? Miss, there is a pharmacist here who actually made the potion?" At this moment, Shi Shan put his gaze on the bottle of potion that Ye Qianyue refined on the table, and said in surprise.

"Destroy it, let's go." Unbelievable that such a great potion could be concocted in such a short period of time, Situ Xin ordered so coldly.

"Okay!" After listening to Situ Xin's words, Shi Shan's lips curled into a ferocious smile, and then, under Huo Fei's trembling gaze, he raised his fist fiercely, and then viciously pointed at the The fragile jade bottle smashed over!

However, just when Situ Xin was already satisfied and was about to turn around and leave, a fiery red shadow flew past her in an instant, causing a fiery wave of fire.

The waves of fire hit Situ Xin's face in an instant, and even burned the broken hair on her forehead into a scorched black.

Not realizing what was going on at all, Situ Xin turned her head in astonishment, but suddenly heard Shishan's shrill scream that almost burst her eardrums.

"Ah!!" I saw that Shishan's entire arm was completely twisted, and the whole person was lying on the ground in pain and rolling, and the bones that were completely broken into pieces pierced out from the skin, thick blood The scent was accompanied by a bloodthirsty ferocious feeling, which strongly filled Situ Xin's senses.

(End of this chapter)

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