Chapter 789 Is Against Me
Looking at Shishan's twisted arm, Situ Xin looked at Ye Qianyue, who was wearing a red dress, in disbelief with three-point astonishment and seven-point horror.

Proudly like the goddess of the sky, Ye Qianyue held the jade bottle that was supposed to be destroyed by Shishan in her jade-like palm, and bloodthirsty murderous intent appeared in her dark eyes. He suddenly asked slowly, "No one is allowed to move the things I have refined without my permission."

The voice was like broken Kunshan jade, but in the cold and quiet, there was a hint of arrogance and madness. The moment Situ Xin saw her, she knew that Ye Qianyue must have a lot of background!
Alarm bells were ringing in his heart, Situ Xin looked at Ye Qianyue vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you? I advise you not to meddle in your own business, our Situ family is not something you can afford!"

"As long as your Situ family is allowed to attack me, can't I fight back? Situ's girl, I don't have such shameless rules here." Facing Situ Xin's threat, Ye Qianyue smiled. There is a hint of indifference hidden in it, and no one can refuse that moving look.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Situ Xin widened his eyes in confusion, and then looked at Ye Qianyue, "Who the hell are you?"

"Ye Qianyue." Seeing Situ Xin's complexion changed drastically, Ye Qianyue chuckled slowly, "Yes, it seems that you still know me."

How could it be possible not to know each other? Thinking about the entire Lingyun Continent, there is no one who doesn't know this famous Queen Shura! !
Not to mention Situ Xin, everyone else present had also heard of Ye Qianyue's name.

First the floating island, then the temple, everyone in Lingyun Continent now knows how terrifying this woman from Canghe Continent is!
She never thought that Ye Qianyue would appear in front of her like this. As Situ Liu's daughter, Situ Xin knew why the Situ family was so obsessed with Ye Qianyue!

Everything is for that residual picture!

The head of the Situ family directly released the news that no matter who it is, as long as they can get back the fragmented picture on Ye Qianyue's body, they can become one of the elders of the family!

The people living in this family are all the direct blood of the Situ family, and the elders among them are even dragons and phoenixes. This temptation is extremely great for anyone in the Situ family.

Although I don't know what the effect of the map on Ye Qianyue's body is, but the temptation of this day is enough to make everyone in the Situ family flock to it!

Naturally, Situ Xin was no exception, looking at Ye Qianyue, his eyes immediately became a little hotter, "Are you the Ye Qianyue who opposed our Situ family?"

"It's your Situ family who are against me." Looking at Situ Xin coldly, Ye Qianyue said slowly.

"Hmph, arrogance! She's just a lowly woman from the mainland below, yet she dares to treat our Situ family so presumptuously!" Hearing Ye Qianyue's disdain for the Situ family, Situ Xin's face suddenly became very ugly. He snorted coldly at Ye Qianyue.

"Your Situ family, in my opinion, is just a pedantic family that can become rampant for the time being." He raised his eyes to signal Si Linyuan and Ming Xiu not to be impatient. One finger is enough to crush her to death three times.

(End of this chapter)

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