Chapter 790

"You...! You are really crazy! Well, today I will seek justice for our Situ family!" As he spoke, a pale golden flame suddenly appeared in Situ Xin's hand, and he threw it straight at Ye Qianyue. past!
"Small skills." There was a chuckle of disdain at that moment, and when Ye Qianyue raised her hand, Fu Xiqin also appeared in front of her.

Throwing the potion casually to Huo Fei, Ye Qianyue hugged Fu Xiqin with one hand, and gently raised the other hand.

She was so gentle and calm that she didn't look like she was in the middle of a battlefield. Ye Qianyue's calm demeanor made the hearts of the surrounding crowd immediately lift up!

At that moment, everyone saw Ye Qianyue's long and slender nails lightly scratching across the Fuxi Qin, and suddenly, a burst of intoxicating and moving piano sound came quickly, breaking into everyone's ears, making people addicted !
But as the touching sound of the piano fell, Situ Xin, who was still aggressive and full of ferocious eyes a second ago, suddenly uttered a scream, and then everyone only heard a few heart-shattering 'click' sounds, Immediately afterwards, Situ Xin couldn't even support his own body, and fell to the ground straight.

"Ah! My hand, my hand!" Situ Xin screamed and fell to the ground. His entire right hand was sliced ​​into countless pieces and broke all over the place. The horrible and ferocious bloodstained quickly. It diffuses out, making everyone feel chilling when they look at it.

But here, Ye Qianyue seemed to be a normal person, still touching the piano lightly, and the corners of her bright red lips even evoked a faint smile.

Completely different from Situ Xin's embarrassment, Ye Qianyue was in a trance in the spring breeze, and she was so beautiful.

"Go back and tell Situ Liu that the good show is about to begin, and let him look forward to it."

After the words fell, Ye Qianyue also quickly plucked the strings in her hand, and then several wind blades bombarded Situ Xin's body, breaking several of her bones, and directly knocking her from the square. He was sent flying.

There was only a muffled sound of a body hitting a heavy object, and after Situ Xin screamed like a pig being killed, he passed out immediately.

"Patriarch Huo." At this moment, Ye Qianyue turned her head indifferently, and looked at Huo Qitian, who had already drank the healing potion and looked better, "Please send someone to inform the Situ family, call They dragged their young lady back and put it here, it's really an eyesore to me."

Knowing Ye Qianyue's identity, Huo Qitian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, what Miss Ye said makes sense, hurry up, cough cough... Come on, someone, get Situ Xin lift it up and send it back to Situ's house!"

Having said that, Huo Qitian stood up slowly with Huo Fei's support, and then coughed weakly twice, his whole body staggered, as if he would fall to the ground without being able to hold on in the next second.

But at this moment, Ye Qianyue seemed to have thought of something, squinted at the fainted Situ Xin, took out a bottle of medicine by the way, and handed it to Huo Fei, "Give her this thing to drink too."

"Miss Ye, what is this?" Huo Fei, who has always been calm, couldn't help but feel a little flustered looking at Ye Qianyue who was so charming.

"Just abolishing Situ Xin, I can't get rid of the anger in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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