Chapter 815 Everything Follows You!
"Hmph, I've heard of it. Si Linyuan, the king of Shura City on the floating island, is a bastard who injured my daughter." When he switched to Si Linyuan's side in a second, he became extremely disgusted.

The sharp glance of his eyes was enough to make people tremble, Ling Zhantian looked at Si Linyuan with displeasure, "You hurt my daughter, I haven't settled the score with you yet."

"It was all my fault in the past. I am willing to accept any punishment from my father-in-law." In the past, he seriously injured Ye Qianyue twice. This is the deepest guilt in Si Linyuan's heart, so he can completely understand Ling Zhantian at this moment anger.

Ling Zhantian is Ye Qianyue's father, what father in this world would be willing to see his daughter with a man who hurt him!

Just like how the Ye family rejected Si Linyuan back then, it is indeed normal for Ling Zhantian to have such a reaction.

"Well, how did you beat Yue'er back then? I'm going to get it all back today!" Hearing that, Ling Zhantian's dark eyes narrowed fiercely, wrinkling with murderous aura, making the whole world tremble. Change color for it.

But at this moment, Ye Qianyue stretched out her hand and pulled Ling Zhantian out, "Daddy, if you do this again, I will be very angry."

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Ling Zhantian quickly changed his face, looking at Ye Qianyue with a gentle face, "Yue'er, don't worry, Daddy's attack is serious, and he won't be beaten to death."

"That won't work either!" Immediately stopped Ling Zhantian, Ye Qianyue said seriously, "Daddy, Linyuan is the love of my life, there have been many misunderstandings between me and him, now I am very happy, Daddy don't care about the past thing."

Seeing Ling Zhantian's embarrassed expression, Ye Qianyue took advantage of the victory and chased after him, "Daddy, I have never begged you for anything since I was a child, this time I beg you to accept Linyuan for me, okay?"

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Ling Zhantian, who has always been revengeful, surrendered in an instant, and nodded softly, "Okay, okay, as long as you feel good, Daddy will follow you in everything!"

Seeing Ling Zhantian being eaten to death by Ye Qianyue, Mingxiu and Si Linyuan glanced at each other, and did not go up to disturb Ye Qianyue's father and daughter to talk about their hearts.

But everyone has heard of Ling Zhantian's vicious reputation. At this moment, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu are looking at Ling Zhantian together. It is really difficult to distinguish between this man with a doting smile on his face at the moment, and that man. The miraculous powerhouses who have dominated the mainland are connected together.

Ling Zhantian, as soon as this name is spoken, it is enough to make many strong men and even families in Lingyun Continent tremble.

At the beginning, Ling Zhantian was only at the level of Nianzong, so he dared to fight against the Su family, and with his own strength, he tied with three strong men at the level of Niantiandi, and escaped smoothly, and became famous since then.

Afterwards, Ling Zhantian walked around the entire Lingyun Continent. No one knew his appearance or age, but they all knew that this man, Ling Zhantian, was definitely a restricted area on the entire continent, an existence that must not be provoked.

A huge force is certainly terrifying, but Ling Zhantian is alone, but he still dominates the situation. Even if the high-level members of a big force see him, they have to give him three points. Everyone knows that Ling Zhantian is ruthless and ruthless. Once To become enemies with him, he will never die with his enemies!

(End of this chapter)

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