Chapter 816

There used to be a family that was friendly with the Su family and assassinated Ling Zhantian in order to curry favor with the Su family. As a result, Ling Zhantian slaughtered all the members of the clan overnight. An invisible fire completely overturned the entire family.

After that, no one dared to be presumptuous towards him!
Perhaps, Ling Zhantian's strength is not the strongest in the mainland, but his tenacity and ruthlessness, the kind of ruthlessness that will drag the enemy along with him even if he dies, is really hard for people not to be afraid of!
The weak are afraid of the strong, and the strong are afraid of death!
Ling Zhantian is the one who is both powerful and not afraid of death!
However, at this moment, this invincible man on the mainland was talking to Ye Qianyue about interesting things with a gentle face, and then happily watched Ye Qianyue smile at him.

The huge contrast shows how much Ling Zhantian attaches great importance to Ye Qianyue!
This is his daughter, the daughter of him and his most beloved woman, the daughter he will protect till death.

"Yue'er, you don't have to worry about the Situ family. Those people just now are the elders of the Situ family. The images of them before they died will be sent back to the Situ family. The people of the Situ family will see that I killed them." , I must not dare to attack you again for a while." Ling Zhantian looked at Ye Qianyue with a smile on his face, "No matter what the reason is, as long as the Situ family dares to attack you again, Daddy will definitely help you Get rid of the entire Situ family."

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue was a little excited, "Daddy, I want to go to the Su family."

Hearing Ye Qianyue mentioned the Su family, Ling Zhantian's eyes darkened immediately, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth faded a bit, "Yue'er, you want to find your mother, right?"

"Yes, I know you had a lot of difficulties back then, and I can understand you, so I must find my mother." Speaking of this, Ye Qianyue's eyes were extremely firm, "No matter what, I won't let my mother continue Suffer in the Su family!"

"My Yue'er has really grown up..." No matter how rebellious he is in front of outsiders, Ling Zhantian can't help but choke up whenever he mentions his beloved wife, "It's a pity that your mother Not at Su's house now."

"What?" Remembering that Madam Ye said that Su Changxue was brought back because the Su family needed a daughter-in-law to marry, Ye Qianyue frowned and asked, "Then mother was forcibly married to someone else by the Su family?"

"I looked for the family that had a marriage contract with the Su family at that time, but A Xue was not there at all." Having said this, Ling Zhantian's eyes were full of vicissitudes of sadness, "I left a spiritual imprint of her at that time. , as long as the spiritual imprint is still there, Axue must still be alive, but I know she is alive, but I can't find her no matter what."

(Concubine's codeword is not easy, please support Tencent Yunqi's genuine version)

"It seems that the problem still lies with the Su family." Now that Su Changxue is sure that he is still alive, Ye Qianyue will never let this opportunity go, "Daddy, I still decided to visit the Su family. I want to see the patriarch of the Su family."

"I'll go with you." Ling Zhantian couldn't let his daughter be in any danger now that he failed to protect Su Changxue well.

In the place of the Su family, there are traps that are hard to guard against, and the people inside are so scheming that it seems like a quagmire. If you are not careful, you will fall into it and you will never be able to escape.

 Ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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