Chapter 817
The head of the Su family is also the father of the two sisters Su Changxue, Su Wuji.

This man, at any time, is based on the interests of the family. As long as everything is beneficial to the Su family, he will use it without hesitation!
Relying on Ling Zhantian's understanding of Su Wuji, Ling Zhantian guessed that once he saw Ye Qianyue, there would be no guarantee that something would happen.

Thinking of this, Ling Zhantian frowned instantly.

What Ling Zhantian hates is Su Wuji's despicableness. This person is the kind of person who can use all kinds of indecent tricks to achieve his goals!

Otherwise, Su Wuji wouldn't use Madam Ye's life to persecute Su Changxue after Da Furen had given up her mind power!

Unaware of Ling Zhantian's worries, Ye Qianyue and his party took Ling Zhantian's horned carriage instead, and headed towards the direction of Tianji City.


Tianji City, a special city ruled by the Su family.

As a big and respectable family in the Lingyun Continent, the Su family is on par with the Situ family, or even better, ruling the world, no one can beat it, no one dares to provoke it.

And Tianji City is where the main family of the Su family is located.

Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, it is a beautiful scene like a fairyland on earth. Tianji City is divided into the outer branch and the inner head.

The branch of the Su family is the side branch of the Su family, and the side branch is not a member of the direct lineage, while the mansion of the main family of the Su family lives in the blood of the Su family, that is, the real Su family.

The Su family in the big house of this family all have the strength against the sky, and the stunning appearance.

I don't know if it was because of Ling Zhantian's presence, but the Situ family was very quiet along the way, and no one came to the door without knowing what to do or not.

All the way unimpeded to the Su family's place, Ye Qianyue and other talents entered Tianji City, and they clearly felt the strength of the people here.

Although they are only some offshoots of the Su family, most of these people's strength is at the level of Nian Zun.

Thinking of a strong Nian Zun is enough to dominate the Canghe Continent, let alone a whole city of people now.

Knowing that the strength of the bloodline of the main family of the Su family must be even more terrifying, Ye Qianyue and others soon became a little more vigilant.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has come here, Ling Zhantian is familiar with the road, so he took Ye Qianyue and the three of them straight to the direction of the family.

One of them quietly closed its eyes and fell asleep, and Ye Qianyue opened his eyes only after the wildebeest carriage stopped.

There was a trembling cold light in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue got up first, followed by Mingxiu.

Naturally, he would not fall behind, Si Linyuan was about to get out of the car, but found that Ling Zhantian was staring at him with frowned eyes.

"Father-in-law has something to say, you might as well just say it." He had noticed that Ling Zhantian had been staring at him all the way, and Si Linyuan knew that he must have something to say to him.

It seemed that he didn't like Si Linyuan calling him father-in-law very much. Ling Zhantian stared at Si Linyuan with a bit of gloom in his words, "Although I don't know why Yue'er chose you, as long as she chooses you, I won't object."

Along the way, one can also see the deep relationship between Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan. As a person who has experienced it, Ling Zhantian will naturally not take action to destroy the happiness of his precious daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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