Chapter 835

All the people in the Su family seemed very hesitant. They wanted to step forward several times, but they all shrank back in the end.

Ling Zhantian alone is scary enough, let alone Si Linyuan and Mingxiu!

If there is only one of the three, the Su family may still have the capital to resist, but now the three of them are added together, no matter how big the Su family is, they dare not be presumptuous!

"Elders, come out quickly and subdue these ignorant guys!!" Seeing that everyone in the Su family was showing a timid look, Su Wuji shouted anxiously.

Hearing this, several powerful elders quickly emerged from the members of the Su family.

The faces of the old men were all serious, and then they rushed towards Ling Zhantian and the others almost without a trace of hesitation.

With a wave of his hand, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu were stopped. Ling Zhantian's expression was very cold, "You don't need to do it, I can solve it by myself!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Zhantian's toes must have hit the ground heavily, and his figure rushed out like a cannonball.

Everyone felt dazzled for a while, and when they came back to their senses, the elders who had been in high spirits for a second had already fallen to the ground one after another, life or death unknown!
Seeing this, everyone in the Su family had a layer of cold sweat on their backs, and they all fell silent, unable to speak a word!
Moment!Really, in just a split second, Ling Zhantian instantly killed several elders of the Su family!
So powerful, how dare people dare to act recklessly in front of him!

"Who else wants to come up to die? I will accompany you to the end today!" The bloodstains of unknown people were stuck on the holding sword, and it looked hideous from a distance, making people fearful!

Looking at the elders who fell on the ground, and at the long sword still stained with blood in Ling Zhantian's hand, no one in the audience dared to continue to be presumptuous!
Such a terrifying strength against the sky is here, no one will send it up to seek death again!

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue's eyes soon showed a faint coldness, and then quickly ordered someone to prepare a secret room for them to torture.

The Su family wanted to personally prepare the secret room for the torture of their patriarch. Such a request from Ye Qianyue and the others made everyone in the Su family look very ugly, but they could only bite their teeth and swallow it!
They can't beat Ye Qianyue and his party at all, so they can only be obedient!
Thinking of this made me feel aggrieved, but the people of the Su family could only endure it, and quickly prepared a secret room for Ye Qianyue and the others.

"Linyuan, Mingxiu, the two of you wait for us outside, and I will go to torture with dad." With a faint plan in her heart, Ye Qianyue said to Si Linyuan and the two with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Naturally, Ye Qianyue did whatever she wanted, Si Linyuan smiled softly, and nodded slightly to Ye Qianyue.

"Be careful, that old human man is a scheming person." Mingxiu also warned.

Nodding to express understanding, Ye Qianyue and Ling Zhancai walked into the secret room, and Ling Zhantian held her back, "Yue'er, Su Wuji is very cunning, torture or something, I'm afraid it won't work, Axue is Su Wuji would not be willing to reveal her whereabouts if she went out to marry for the benefit of the family."

(End of this chapter)

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