Chapter 836 I Really Regret

"Daddy, you need to use different methods to deal with people with different personalities." After hearing what Ling Zhantian said, Ye Qianyue blinked, "Don't worry, Daddy, today I will let Daddy see how to deal with people like Su Wuji." People, what kind of method needs to be used."

Seeing Ye Qianyue's confident face, Ling Zhantian had great confidence in her, so he nodded immediately, and followed Ye Qianyue into the depths of the secret room.

Su Wuji had been tied up just now, and Ye Qianyue hadn't taken out the phoenix soul fire. At this moment, most of the meridians in Su Wuji's body had been destroyed. Unbelievably weak.

Sensing Ye Qianyue and the other two walking in front of him, Su Wuji gasped heavily, then opened his eyes viciously, staring at Ye Qianyue and the other over there.

"Hmph, use any tricks you can, I'm not afraid of you." Su Wuji is an old man, he has experienced all kinds of punishments, and he doesn't believe that Ye Qianyue can make any big waves.

"Yes, this spirit of not being afraid of death is admirable." Regarding this, Ye Qianyue just smiled and nodded, "Patriarch Su, I only ask you once, what is my mother Su Changxue doing now?" place?"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's question, Su Wuji smiled coldly, with a look of disdain, "Don't ever wonder where Su Changxue is in your life!"

"Very good." After hearing Su Wuji's answer, Ye Qianyue didn't look angry at all, instead she slightly raised the corners of her lips, "This is the last chance I'll give you. Next, let's see How long can you last on your own?"

"You want to torture me? Just because you are such a young girl, you can't make this old man frown!" Su Wuji didn't believe Ye Qianyue's ability at all, and immediately looked at Ling Zhantian, " Ling Zhantian, no matter what you say, you are also a person with head and face, but now you have done such a despicable thing as torture, it is really a joke!"

"You're right. I really don't bother to do such things, but Yue'er is right. To deal with a despicable and vicious person like you, he must be more vicious than you." As he said, Ling Zhantian's brows and eyes were cold. The coldness intensified, "I really regret that I didn't do this earlier!"

After hearing Ling Zhantian's words, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes quickly flashed a faint light, and then she immediately took out a bottle of potion from her scepter space, "I forgot to tell you By the way, I am also a pharmacist, and I not only can refine common potions, but I prefer to refine potions that can make my enemies die of pain."

Saying that, Ye Qianyue seemed to move slowly, and opened the bottle cap of the bottle.

At that moment, the light yellow potion gave off an appetite-inspiring aroma, and the rich taste was like some kind of delicacy.

Never smelling such an intoxicating aroma, Su Wuji was so flustered for a moment that without even a trace of resistance, he asked Ye Qianyue to pour the potion into his mouth.

The refreshing fragrance is intoxicating and intoxicating, and it even makes Su Wuji feel enjoyment.

After drinking the potion, Su Wuji didn't feel any abnormality, instead he licked the corner of his lips with some insatiable desire.

(End of this chapter)

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