The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 853 Can be regarded as a clearance

Chapter 853 Can be regarded as a clearance
I saw a few flashes of thunder and lightning quickly flitting out of Situ's mansion, and then paused a few times in the air, before reaching the sky above the ring in the blink of an eye.

The bloodthirsty and crazy eyes contained absolute killing intent. The man was completely enveloped by the light of thunder and lightning, and he locked Ye Qianyue on the ring with a single glance, and then the killing intent around his body was raised violently. , and rushed directly towards Ye Qianyue!
There is no time for anyone to react at all. The strength of the person in front of him is undoubtedly much stronger than Ye Qianyue.

Just when Ye Qianyue was ready to fight this person forever, a familiar and warm embrace surrounded her body, and then hugged her tightly.

The firm and warm embrace made Ye Qianyue feel at ease instantly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." The gentle words rang in the ears, and the vigilance that permeated Ye Qianyue's body suddenly disappeared completely, leaving no trace left.

Si Linyuan's embrace seemed to have magical powers, instantly calming all the restlessness in Ye Qianyue's heart, making her so quiet that she was not like a real person, just curled up quietly in Si Linyuan's embrace, feeling at ease He didn't care about anything, and completely entrusted his whole being to him.

And here, Ling Zhantian also rushed out quickly, holding the divine sword in his hand to create a gust of fierce wind, and smashed towards the man who was like a thunderbolt.

Obviously, he also knew that Ling Zhantian was not easy to provoke. The man's movements suddenly became stiff for a moment, and then the whole person took a step back, shrinking instantly, without revealing the slightest flaw, and pulled Ling away. The distance between Zhan Tian and Zhan Tian obediently receded a lot before finally stopping slightly.

"Situ Lingting, after so many years, you really haven't changed at all. You still like to hide behind other people's backs and sneak attack." Clearly, Ling Zhantian knew the person, and Ling Zhantian seemed to have a relationship with this man named Situ Lingting. Relationships between men are poor.

"Speaking of which, we are just each other." The man obviously knew Ling Zhantian, and his tone was full of strong displeasure and sarcasm, "You haven't changed, you are still so annoying to me. .”

After the words fell, the thunder and lightning around the man finally disappeared, and his figure slowly appeared in front of Ye Qianyue and the others.

There seemed to be a trace of coldness on the face, the man's natural face with Chinese characters, could vaguely see the handsomeness of his youth.

It seems that he is slightly older than Ling Zhantian, and the man is only in his early forties.

Hearing Ling Zhantian's words, the man was obviously a little impatient, and his cold gaze swept across slowly, with a hint of contempt for all sentient beings.

With a glance, he understood what was going on in front of him, and Situ Lingting didn't say a word.

After hearing Situ Lingting's name, Ye Qianyue recognized that the man in front of her was the head of the Situ family, Situ Lingting!
Seeing the confrontation between Ling Zhantian and Situ Lingting, Ye Qianyue knew that there must be something involved between the two.

Moreover, it is not a good friendship.

"Patriarch! You have passed the customs!" Situ Ye and the others saw Situ Lingting, as if they had found the backbone all of a sudden, they couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts for a while, and said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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