Chapter 854 A Not Simple Man
Seeing that Situ Ye had left such a mess for himself to clean up, Situ Lingting's eyes were as sharp as a cold knife, obviously he was very displeased.

Seeing Situ Lingting like this, the excited smile on the corner of Situ Ye's mouth disappeared completely in an instant, and he didn't dare to continue to be presumptuous.

"The distinguished guests come to visit, it's fine if you don't entertain them well, but you dare to fight against each other. Is that what I told you before I retreated?" The words sounded very sharp, Situ Lingting obviously angry.

But after hearing Situ Lingting's words, Situ Ye and the others were completely stunned.

Everyone knows that the relationship between Situ Lingting and Ling Zhantian is very stiff, and with the incident of the residual map, shouldn't they be angry, instead, they should be humble and polite to Ye Qianyue and others, Are they considered honored guests? !

He hesitated and wanted to speak, but when Situ Ye met Situ Lingting's cold and mad eyes, the turbulence in his heart disappeared completely, leaving no trace.

His body trembled suddenly. Situ Ye was not a fool. He immediately understood Situ Lingting's meaning and knelt down on the ground with a guilty expression on his face. "This subordinate is confused. Please ask Patriarch to make amends!"

"Forget it, why don't you hurry up and prepare the tea and invite the distinguished guests in?" Looking at Situ Ye and the others, Situ Lingting raised his eyebrows and said.

"Yes, yes, what the patriarch said makes sense!" Nodding like running water, Situ Ye didn't care whether the rest of Situ's family realized what was going on, and immediately ordered people to prepare the latest and best tea. up.

Everyone in the Situ family couldn't figure it out for a while, how could the enemies who had been fighting each other for a second suddenly become a distinguished guest who needed to be taken care of by their Situ family?
Not to mention people from Situ's family, even a thick-faced person like Ye Qianyue felt a little confused.

She thought that Situ Lingting would have a good fight with them as soon as she came out, but Ye Qianyue didn't expect that this Situ Lingting would actually use the tactic of delaying the attack! !
Raising her eyebrows for a while, Ye Qianyue finally knew why the Situ family had been able to stand for so many years.

If you want to be a qualified leader, you can't be a fool who only knows how to use strength blindly. You need a combination of wisdom and strength to successfully lead a whole family.

And obviously, Situ Lingting has this kind of talent.

Moreover, Situ Lingting also knows how to turn a blind eye, knows what patience is, and will not be too impulsive, and even knows how to treat each other with courtesy, so as to anesthetize them!
This man is really not simple.

With this thought in mind, Ye Qianyue and the others were vigilant in their hearts, but their faces were calm, and they followed Situ Lingting towards the flower hall where Situ's house entertained guests.

Situ Lingting has acted so calmly, so naturally they can't panic.

As if the fight just now was an illusion, Ye Qianyue and his party were kindly invited to the flower hall by the Situ family with smiles on their faces.

The beautiful maid immediately brought excellent tea, but Situ Lingting just made up an excuse, saying that he went to change clothes, but in fact, he probably went to find out the situation.

Just being placed in the flower hall to drink tea, Ye Qianyue really admired Situ Lingting.

(End of this chapter)

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