Chapter 856 Being teased by the world

"Our Situ family is a big family with a head and a face. Our family members were killed like this. Of course, it can't be done like this!"

"Patriarch Situ is so bold." Nodding slightly, Ye Qianyue quickly took out the map snatched from the elder Situ from the scepter space.

The moment a flimsy piece of paper appeared, the atmosphere in the hall became hotter.

"Girl, think about it carefully! This map is really a rare treasure!" Seeing that Ye Qianyue took out the map just like that, Shi Qi's voice sounded very anxious.

"Compared to the map, I care more about my mother's safety." The voice was cold, Ye Qianyue seemed to be speaking to Situ Lingting, and seemed to be answering Shi Qi's words.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, although Shi Qi knew that this was as it should be, she still couldn't help but feel a little pity in her heart.

"Girl, what happened this time is really a pity..." Shi Qi sighed helplessly, "Forget it, she is your biological mother after all, so this matter is understandable, but girl, you must remember to be careful, this Situ The Patriarch is very cunning, you can only get your mother back in exchange for a map, but the matter between you and Situ's family has not been resolved yet!"

"Other things can be solved with the leftover picture." Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes and said this to Shi Qi in her heart.

"What did you say?!"

Hearing Shi Qi's astonished voice, Ye Qianyue looked directly at Situ Lingting, "Patriarch Situ, the matter between us should be settled, but these things are all caused by me, presumably Patriarch Situ will not Involve others."

"It's natural." Situ Lingting raised the corners of his lips coldly, "As the saying goes, an eye for an eye is an eye for an eye. Our Situ family is not a coward who smashed his teeth and swallowed it!"

"Patriarch Situ was right, and I thought so too. That's why I killed the elders you fled and got the map. Then, to protect myself, I killed other members of your Situ family, and even killed the elders who tried to escape. Situ Liu and others who attacked me..." Her dark eyes raised sharply, and Ye Qianyue's brows and eyes were as cold as a thousand years of ice, "If that's the case, dare to ask Patriarch Situ, why am I guilty?"

Almost speechless by Ye Qianyue's words, Situ Lingting was taken aback for a moment, and then his face immediately showed a bit of ferocity, "Ye Qianyue, what do you mean?!"

"What I mean is, if you attacked me before, if I made a mistake by fighting back, then I hope that after this matter is over, I will attack the Situ family again, and you will be able to not fight back and make no mistakes." Ye Qianyue There was a smile on the corner of his lips, and he said softly to Situ Lingting.

"Ye Qianyue, don't forget, you are the ones who want someone, and we will give you Su Changxue when the time comes, and we will definitely be laughed at by the world!" She has already given birth to other children. Such a thing, no matter for a man or a woman, is a great shame!

Their Situ family is a big family, if not for the family in the first place, Situ Lingting would not have endured the humiliation for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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