The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 857 Seek justice for the Situ family!

Chapter 857 Seek justice for the Situ family!

When he was young, he really fell in love with Su Changxue, but when he wanted to marry Su Changxue in, he found that she had already made a private life with someone else.

And that person was Ling Zhantian, whom Situ Lingting hated the most.

Such a series of blows caused Situ Lingting to suffer great humiliation. If he hadn't been obsessed with Su Changxue and hoped that one day she would change her mind, he would not have humiliated him like this!
However, Su Changxue's heart was like a stone with thorns, no matter how he flattered him, how he flattered him, even in the final torture, Su Changxue would never show any emotion to him.

Su Changxue not only didn't like him, but also resented him.

That girl who is as proud as an iceberg, once she falls in love with someone, she will never change anything, so only when facing Ling Zhantian, Su Changxue's heart will quietly melt.

And it was this that made Situ Lingting completely give up on her!

Instead of keeping such a stubborn and ineffective woman, it is better to exchange her for the residual picture!

There is a huge treasure hidden behind that remnant picture, such a huge benefit is far more attractive than the existence of Su Changxue!

Naturally, Situ Lingting wouldn't just let it go.

He wanted to kill Ye Qianyue and make Su Changxue live in grief for killing his own daughter for the rest of his life!
Knowing that this is actually just his own naive revenge, but Situ Lingting just can't hide his evil. Evil desire!
He wanted Su Changxue to regret being with Ling Zhantian and giving birth to Ye Qianyue!

Just thinking of this, Situ Lingting felt an unconcealable excitement in his heart!
"For the sake of Remnant Map, our Situ family is willing to bear the ridicule brought by Su Changxue, but the grievances between you Ye Qianyue and our Situ family can't just be forgotten!"

"Situ Lingting, don't go too far." Ling Zhantian's dark eyes soon showed a stern cold light, and the terrifying and terrifying aura around him swept out like a tide. All the people around had to bear the huge pressure and looked at Ling Zhantian over there in astonishment.

"Hmph, I'm just asking for justice for our Situ family!" Situ Lingting was extremely rampant, with deep calculations dancing in his eyes, "It's the most normal thing to take your life for your life! Naturally, if you don't want to, In the worst case, leave now, and the agreement between us to exchange Su Changxue with the remnant map is void!"

Speaking of this, it is obvious that they are here to find fault!
"Then, according to Patriarch Situ's intention, is to exchange a broken picture for a person's life?" Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes gently, then slowly raised her ears, and said softly.

"That's right." With a cold snort, Situ Lingting could hardly restrain the ferocious smile on the corner of his lips, "By the way, Miss Ye can also use the residual picture to exchange for her own life, as long as Hand over the remnants of the map, and the conflicts and entanglements between us can naturally be resolved."

Seeing Situ Lingting's adult, but actually cunning and treacherous appearance, Ye Qianyue smiled softly.

The laughter was as sweet as a ringing bell. Ye Qianyue looked at Situ Lingting over there, "If that's the case, I'll use two residual pictures to resolve all grievances."

(End of this chapter)

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