Chapter 859 is his Ashue

This pain felt more like a long knife, cutting Ling Zhantian's heart inch by inch.

I saw that the inside of this bunker was all the color of ice and snow that was bitingly cold, and the cold breath swept out, making people's hearts tremble.

The frightening cold, sharp ice and snow turned into a piece of condensation, and Ye Qianyue and his party soon saw Su Changxue who was tightly controlled by the huge spiritual barrier.

What is touching is that the ice and snow condensed into the goddess of snow. Su Changxue's clear eyes are like stagnant water at the moment, without any expression.

The exquisite and alluring face is also so beautiful, and being in such an environment for many years makes Su Changxue's complexion white and almost transparent, with no trace of blood remaining.

The gorgeous ice blue long dress looked extraordinarily dazzling. Su Changxue sat upright on the spot, motionless, and didn't even notice the arrival of Ye Qianyue and others.

Looking at his beloved wife whom he was thinking of, Ling Zhantian couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart instantly, with an excited smile on his face, he shouted loudly to Su Changxue over there, "Axue!!"

The hearty and thick voice, which was extremely magnetic in the low voice, made Su Changxue's ashen-like eyes quickly filled with a bit of excitement!
"Ah Tian?!" The shock was filled with unconcealable ecstasy, Su Changxue roared through the cold wind, and saw Ling Zhantian over there at a glance.

The stagnant eyes quickly surged with intense light, Su Changxue couldn't hold back the ecstasy that surged in his heart, and looked at Ling Zhantian over there with great excitement.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, Su Changxue still recognized Ling Zhantian at a glance!

The man she loves is still the same as before, making her completely unable to suppress the excitement in her heart, her eyes glow with excitement, and crystal tears are about to gush out of her eyes!

And here, Ling Zhantian was also very excited, ecstasy was brewing in his eyes quickly, and he couldn't wait to pick up the long sword in his hand, and then moved towards Su Changxue over there. ran over.

"Open the barrier, and remove the curse on my mother." Seeing that the two will meet again after nearly 20 years, Ye Qianyue naturally wants to provide them with an opportunity.

Seeing Ye Qianyue hand over one of the remnants of the picture to him, although Situ Lingting was extremely unhappy in his heart, he still had a gloomy face, accepted the remnant picture, and said Quickly uttered a few spells.

The barrier that had trapped Su Changxue disappeared instantly, allowing her to successfully throw herself into Ling Zhantian's arms, almost greedily feeling the warmth and comfort from him.

Tears emerged from the bottom of the eyes, and then fell down like crystal diamonds, it was really beautiful.

Not because of sadness and tears, but because of joy, because of joy!
Finally saw again, the person she had been thinking about for so many years, finally saw again!

"Axue, I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm all to blame for being late..." Holding Su Changxue's cold and delicate body tightly in his arms, Ling Zhantian exerted so much force that he wished he could just be so hard. Vigorously rubbing Su Changxue into his body.

He missed her so much, his Axue, only his Axue!

(End of this chapter)

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