Chapter 860 I miss you so much
Just thinking of this, Ling Zhantian couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and hugged Su Changxue more and more passionately.

Similarly, she responded to Ling Zhantian with great enthusiasm, and Su Changxue also missed her lover from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, the two slowly raised their heads, and their eyes met with each other, filled with unresolved affection.

Unable to restrain the excitement in her heart, Su Changxue looked at the other party Ling Zhantian, and then offered her lips without hesitation.

The moment the lips touched each other, a burst of intense flames erupted, so intense that people became more and more addicted to it, and would rather be burned by this blazing heat than shrink back.

This is a kind of absolute love, almost wishing to merge with the one he, never to be separated again.

Seeing Su Changxue so tenderly nestled in Ling Zhantian's arms, Situ Lingting's eyes throbbed with unconcealable jealousy!
He was really not reconciled, why his sincerity was nothing in Su Changxue's eyes, but once it was transferred to Ling Zhantian, it all seemed so logical again!

The anger in his heart was almost overflowing, Situ Lingting continued to chant the spell, and then a spell drawn with the family crest of the Situ family floated out of Su Changxue's body, and then disappeared into the air.

Su Changxue only felt that the shackles in her body that had been suppressing her disappeared in an instant, and the thought power in her body was no longer suppressed, and it swept out like a tide, and then instantly filled her whole body!
It has been a long time since I felt this kind of energy filling my whole body. Su Changxue's eyes were filled with excitement, and then she snuggled into Ling Zhantian's embrace even more happily.

After being sweet with Ling Zhantian for a while, Su Changxue finally noticed Ye Qianyue over there.

Looking at Ye Qianyue in amazement, Su Changxue looked at Ye Qianyue's face that was at least seven or eight points similar to her own, and immediately understood Ye Qianyue's identity, and then became so excited that she couldn't hold herself, she quickly pulled Ling Zhantian ran up to Ye Qianyue.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's face that was exactly the same as when she was young, Su Changxue's eyes kept dancing, "Yue'er? You are my Yue'er, right...?"

"Mother, I miss you so much." Seeing Su Changxue's excited look, Ye Qianyue was also infected by her, and immediately lowered her eyes, and then directly threw herself into Su Changxue's eyes. in the arms.

"Yue'er, good boy, it's my mother who has been sorry for you for so many years." Su Changxue hugged Ye Qianyue tightly, and rubbed Ye Qianyue's cheek with her cheek. The loving look is really what a mother should look like.

Looking at Su Changxue, Ye Qianyue was equally excited, her dark eyes were full of joy, "Mother, I know you have your own difficulties, I don't blame you."

Ye Qianyue's words made Su Changxue extremely happy. She nodded with tears in her eyes, and then continued to hug Ye Qianyue tightly.

This is her daughter, her child with the one she loves.

Just thinking of this, Su Changxue's eyes sparkled with excitement.

The whole person was so happy that Su Changxue couldn't find words to describe his excitement at the moment.

Happiness, only these two words can express her feelings at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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